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An idling gas engine may be annoyingly loud, but that’s the price you pay for having WAY less torque available at a standstill.

    3 months ago

    Are those two things actually important?

    yes, they are. they make difference between actually usable technology and engineer’s dream.

    Electric motors are a lot more efficient, and battery technology is quickly approaching the place where you can get the same range with an electric motor as with an ICE.

    i doubt we even have enough rare metals for 8 or 16 billion batteries. most of them are being mined in politically unstable or to western civilization unfriendly countries, with terrible effect on the environment.

    efficiency matters, it is not a question of how good single battery is.

    As for refuel rate, I spend no time waiting for my car to charge because it charges at home while I’m sleeping, so the refuel rate doesn’t matter.

    oh good. YOU have it solved, so the rest of the world does not matter, i assume…? fuck all these people, right?