Title: “Gaslighting ChatGPT With Ethical Dilemmas”. Author: “Alex O’Connor”. YouTube. Published: 2024-11-30. Accessed: 2024-12-03T02:29Z. URI:
Title: “Gaslighting ChatGPT With Ethical Dilemmas”. Author: “Alex O’Connor”. YouTube. Published: 2024-11-30. Accessed: 2024-12-03T02:29Z. URI:
“Open” A “I” designed a text generator that repeats babble about moral values, even not being a moral agent, and even being blatantly unable to keep it reasonably consistent, because “Open” A “I” is a quack of a company that does not understand ethical principles like honesty. That is not a surprise for anyone.
Beyond that: it’s all about moral proximity. ChatGPT doesn’t get it.