Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 13°C, max - 22°C. 25% chance of at least 1mm of rain

    2 months ago

    Well, that wasn’t as early as I would’ve liked, but… I’M DONE!!!

    … With work - now to grab some onions and garlic and then tackle the doom pile of dishes then cook up two dishes and wash that up. And clean the house and pack. It’s looking doable though!

    e: first frog swallowed - submitted fooking fine appeal in the nick of time. Now to brave the shops for the aromatics…

    e2: shop items acquired. The tension is palpable out there. Glad to be out of it.

    e3: dishes all washed and kitchen cleaned ready for cooking… but I am le tired (and hungry), and if I have a little nap, I will probably not fire ze missiles. Okay, I think I’ll just eat dinner first and let it sit for a bit as I’m flagging quite badly. But I’ll put all the ingredients out so I don’t completely sink into the couch

    e4: one dish made. Slowly but surely. Have not had dinner yet. Would become too sleepy otherwise. Now to make the next one… hardest part is making the mustard seed and green chilli and garlic paste with desiccated coconut. I’ll do it now and the rest is easy enough… Can’t wait to sit down and eat dinner tho