Let’s reinvent java bytecode but… different

  • testfactor@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Do you really think the reason people hate Java is because it uses an intermediate bytecode? There’s plenty of reasons to hate Java, but that’s not one of them.

    .NET languages use intermediate bytecode and everyone’s fine with it.

    Any complaints about Java being an intermediate language are due to the fact that the JVM is a poorly implemented dumpster fire. It’s had more major vulnerabilities than effing Adobe Flash, and runs like molasses while chewing up more memory than effing Chrome. It’s not what they did, it’s that they did it badly.

    And WASM will absolutely never replace normal JS in the browser. It’s a completely different use case. It’s awesome and has a great niche, but it’s not really intended for normal web page management use cases.