Looking for a pretty, easy to use app to register my expenses and incomes and then get charts telling me how much I am spending on real needs or on luxuries and things like that. It has to be for Android, not an abandoned project, and libre software. It has to have an easy interface that allows me to enter records with minimal hassle.
I’ve researched a little and narrowed down to this:
- Money Manager EX https://moneymanagerex.org/
- Buckwheat https://buckwheat.app/
- Oinkoin https://github.com/emavgl/oinkoin
- My Expenses https://www.myexpenses.mobi/
Any recommendations? Or a new one I didn’t find? thanks!
UPDATE: Money Manager EX gives a an error and somehow I missed what I entered. Buckwheat crashes. My Expenses seems OK but is not as straightforward as Oinkoin
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