The Legion of Doom in My Little Pony is a trio og villains comprised of Chrysalis, the former Queen of the Changelings, who are shape-shifting equine/insectoid creatures that feed off love, Lord Tirek, a centaur who came to Equestria over 1000 years ago to steal magic from its inhabitants, and Cozy Glow, a villainous pegasus filly. Tirek and Cozy Glow are clearly visible in the foreground, while Chrysalis can be seen hovering in the background.
The Legion of Doom in My Little Pony is a trio og villains comprised of Chrysalis, the former Queen of the Changelings, who are shape-shifting equine/insectoid creatures that feed off love, Lord Tirek, a centaur who came to Equestria over 1000 years ago to steal magic from its inhabitants, and Cozy Glow, a villainous pegasus filly. Tirek and Cozy Glow are clearly visible in the foreground, while Chrysalis can be seen hovering in the background.