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- usa@lemmy.ml
- cross-posted to:
- usa@lemmy.ml
I will never forget/forgive what capital has done here
For the generation I suspect is most represented here this must be analagous to an earlier cohort watching the iraq war trample overwhelming global public opinion in 2003
to those who are feeling overwhelmed as I have often felt in the past year, please remember to take a step back when you need to, resilience is the name of the game in my view, self destruction in the face of disaster helps no one (when I say this I am also wrestling with myself, I don’t mean to say this is an easy thing)
All those “red lines” turned out to be an amateurish sales tactic. Disgraceful and unforgivable actions from beginning to end. Trump will be a horror, but Biden deserves a place in the hall of Presidential Monsters somewhere next to Jackson.
I just want to drop in a quick reminder that the majority of amerikkkans supported the iraq war when it started and only retroactively switch to opposing it. Dont let libs rewrite history they love doing that shit.
Ukraine feels more like the Iraq war vibe parallel to me: total media uniformity coming out of nowhere overnight and the average American frothing on queue before eventually beginning to get embarrassed years later when it became clear that “winning” didn’t look how they thought.
I don’t really know of a modern parallel (besides maybe the obvious one) to Palestine where the entire US government committed to openly exterminating a captive population without even the pretense of popular national or international support. Just straight up “we’re going to do this no matter who you vote for, and if you don’t like it, your options are to ignore it, go to jail, or be killed.”
This is far and away worse than the Iraq situation because Iraq at least had a standing army and plenty of space to operate. Palestinians are orders of magnitude worse off at the start of this massacre.
I understand your point completely, it was simply not the focus of the point I was making in my comment
however what you say bears repeating and I have nothing against that whatsoever
edit: by analagous I was trying to refer simply to the parallels in global public condemnation, not any strict empirical comparison in defined terms
the iraq war was a war of aggression involving a litany of further crimes against humanity
what is happening in gaza is a genocide
but I hope my comment can still be understood as I intended it
Totally, I don’t think you were diminishing anything. Just, having lived through both, this feels so much worse.
I was too young for the first and I truly believe that observing what is going on now is a catastrophe for my personal humanity and I hope I can live my life in such a way as to educate and agitate against the forces that facilitated this disgusting farce
comrade, it pains me that you have had to witness both and I wish us and those who read this much resilience and strength going forward
Death to America, I’d say death to Biden as well but can he really be said to still be alive?
But libs keep telling me that only Congress can decide on arms deals and the president just ratifies them. What’s going on?
libs would never take liberties with the truth
all due respect comrades, I believe we do ourselves a disservice by doomposting satirically in a space that is “ours”
the libs in the walls should have no power here and that is as it should be
edit: ours in quotation marks
just make Israel the 51st state already
If they did that, Israel would actually have to play by the rules. Being directly controlled by the US government would mean that they wouldn’t be special anymore.
“If Israel didn’t exist we’d have to invent it to protect our interests in the region”
-Joe “the bloodthirster” Biden
Israel will never be an official US territory for the same reason that Guantánamo Bay never will be, even though it’s more important to US interests than all but a few states
But how are we going to fund welfare?
You know your presidency is going well when the last 20 days of your term is spent giving out fake medals and billions of tax dollars.