Please don’t hate Americans and the USA. Direct your disgust at the dolt-in-chief and those who elected/support him. Most Americans are kicking themselves for not doing more to keep him out of any position of leadership.

    1 day ago

    It’s like when my close friend started doing cocaine. I didn’t want to spend my time around that, and we grew apart because of it. America elected a proven fascist not once, but twice. And he was rebuked once, so now he’s on a revenge spree. Trump is turning against long-time allies in a way that only makes sense if the goal is specifically to make everything worse.

    All this considered, as a Canadian, I don’t hate the USA or Americans in general, but I will make an effort to avoid American things to a reasonable extent. I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable traveling to the US, so some of my long-time plans need to be reconsidered. I will make an effort to buy Canadian, or at least non-American, as far as is reasonable and within my means.

      7 hours ago

      I get your metaphor. And will simply ask, if you see a way in which you as an individual, can help another individual even tho’ they are a US citizen, please do so. Especially if that help takes the form of resisting / overturning fascism, because you see fascism does not respect national borders, and so it could be in your own best interest to do so. I’m preaching compassion, for reasons of self interest.