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General PeerTube instance, a good alternative to YouTube and other streaming platforms controlled by WEB giants.
Mearsheimer somehow thinks he can get away with behaving like we live in the early 19th century where the fog of war is so thick that states couldn’t see the end of their own nose. He willingly ignores the enormous progress made in collaborative diplomacy since the second world war, with (ironically) the EU being the most outstanding example. He has such a hard-on for the CCP that he’s unwilling to accept that any alternative can have long-term success.
That “collaborative diplomacy” was formed by the United States arming & supporting political violence in Europe to make sure that the governments they ended to with were more aligned w Washington than Moscow; similar to what they did in Latin America, but hidden until the freedom of information act.
Thanks, this will go in my pantheon of tankiest takes I’ve ever seen. Complaining that the people who literally invented and perfected democracy work together only because of Americans… Unbelievable.
see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil; it’s tried and true trio of willful liberal ignorance that’s causing our downfall where we could otherwise accomplish those true democracies that you pretend to extol.
you can literally find it for yourself on something like google, but instead you refuse to accept it because it doesn’t align with your world view; exactly like any maga fool.
I was going to say that this would not go over well with Western liberals and conservatives alike. Lol
Mearsheimer somehow thinks he can get away with behaving like we live in the early 19th century where the fog of war is so thick that states couldn’t see the end of their own nose. He willingly ignores the enormous progress made in collaborative diplomacy since the second world war, with (ironically) the EU being the most outstanding example. He has such a hard-on for the CCP that he’s unwilling to accept that any alternative can have long-term success.
That “collaborative diplomacy” was formed by the United States arming & supporting political violence in Europe to make sure that the governments they ended to with were more aligned w Washington than Moscow; similar to what they did in Latin America, but hidden until the freedom of information act.
Thanks, this will go in my pantheon of tankiest takes I’ve ever seen. Complaining that the people who literally invented and perfected democracy work together only because of Americans… Unbelievable.
see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil; it’s tried and true trio of willful liberal ignorance that’s causing our downfall where we could otherwise accomplish those true democracies that you pretend to extol.
you can literally find it for yourself on something like google, but instead you refuse to accept it because it doesn’t align with your world view; exactly like any maga fool.
I’d say read up on your post war history but honestly what’s the point.
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