Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • If you’re getting them flying into your face or stinging you when you’re not messing with their nest, it’s very possible you’re dealing with Africanized Honey Bees (AFBs). They’re basically impossible to tell apart just by looking at them. Aside from genetic testing, you have to do it by behavior. Lots of little differences, but two more obvious ones are:

    • They’ll pretty much make a nest in any kind of a hole, including in the ground, while European bees like larger cavities in walls or hollow trees.
    • They defend their nests much more aggressively and at a greater distance. They’ll fly up to your face, and tend to sting much more liberally (European bees rarely sting unless you try to squash them or actively threaten their nest).

  • The plane on a treadmill one has seemed straightforward to me. Lift is caused by the air moving over the wing and the obvious intent of the treadmill in the thought exercise is that the plane is only moving relative to the belt, so there’s no opportunity for lift (no air flowing over the wings). Any other interpretation seems disingenuous.

    The one that made me scratch my head for a while is the bicycle on the treadmill. People generally know that it’s easy to stay balanced on a moving bicycle, but hard to balance on a stationary one, so is it easy or hard to balance on one that’s on a treadmill?

    A lot of people think that the stability of a moving bicycle is caused by the gyroscopic effect of the spinning wheels, but that turns out to contribute relatively little compared to the force of a body leaning one way or another.

    What actually makes it easy to keep a moving bicycle going straight (or what contributes the most) is that the design has self-correcting steering. When you lean to the right, the shape of the forks causes the front wheel to point left, and vice versa, keeping you going relatively straight as long as you have some minimum amount of forward motion.

    And since that forward motion is relative to the surface the tires are on, it works just fine on a treadmill. You can even find YouTube videos of people who ride their bikes on treadmills, and it’s very evident.

  • Look at you, bringing this thread back from the dead.

    First of all, even if we take what you’re saying at face value, how does it being an original text in any way prove that its contents are true? If I made up a completely original story today about a stuffed animal that eats pickles and poops diamonds, would that mean that such a thing exists?

    Secondly, we can’t take what you’re said at face value because Qur’anic and Muslim scholars are very divided about the origins of the Quran.

  • I don’t know, it seems like when she even mildly went on the offensive, people on both sides (and especially the media) ripped her for it. Remember the “deplorables” things?

    For ages, I don’t think even Trump’s campaign thought he had much of a chance (many sources have said he didn’t even want to win). And remember, she did win the popular vote.

    I don’t think she did nearly as well as she could have, but there’s a lot of hyperbole about her that I think is misplaced.