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Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • Not to the “base” of either of the major parties, no. Those voters are already committed to their candidates.

    This election is likely to come down to independents and undecided voters. Where that messaging could matter is with people who are unsatisfied with the Democratic party AND dislike Trump.

    The idea that “they hate me enough to kill me” might be compelling to someone with a strong dislike of the Democratic party, perhaps enough to get them to hold their nose and vote for Trump. That being said, I wouldn’t even venture a guess at how many people that would be.

  • Just because a lot of people use a phrase incorrectly doesn’t mean that it should be the accepted meaning.

    A good example is “have your cake and eat it, too”. As the Unabomber famously fixated on, the phrase was originally “you can’t eat your cake and have it, too”. That saying actually makes sense and has meaning.

    After a while people began to jokingly say it backwards, as “you can’t have your cake and eat it, too”. That was dandy, until people forgot that it was a joke. Now, years later, we’re all left with a saying that is fucking ridiculous sounding and but we keep saying it because we need the original phrase in our language.

    Sure, language evolves and changes. Sometimes though, it’s a good idea to be sticklers about the rules.

  • American here, I haven’t heard one peep about Trump getting more support because of this outside of Lemmy.

    Whether or not the Trump campaign can spin this in their favor depends entirely on the motive of the assassin. If they were just some nutjob, there really isn’t much they can do.

    If, on the other hand, the assassination attempt was politically motivated, there are two ways I can see this whole thing being spun:

    1. “The other side knows I’ll win and the only way to stop me is to kill me. If you don’t like them, vote for me because I scare them and they hate me.”

    2. “The other side is so evil and vile they would stoop to try to kill me rather than have a fair election”.

    In the event that the assassin wasn’t some flavor of crazy, spin number one is more likely than spin number two, but they’re hardly mutually exclusive.

  • Also, what’s with the shoulders on the guy from the show? It’s shaped like scales, but looks like the same material as the breastplate. Sure, armor can have a lot of decoration, but that means he can’t lift his arms very high. Boromir has proper, segmented pauldrons. If he lifts his arms up, the plates slide past each other and he’s good to go.

    Also, armpits are one of the biggest weak points in armor. Boromir gets hit in the armpit (or a point slides off his breastplate into his armpit) and his chainmail has a good chance of stopping it from penetrating or at the very least from getting too deep into him. The Aragorn we have at home is wearing what I will charitably assume is a gambeson, no mail. The tip of a pike or spear slips in and he’s got a punctured lung.

    You’d think for a billion dollars they could pay a consultant to work with the wardrobe department, especially because they’re following up a film series known for absolutely excellent costume design.

  • In the days before telecommunication and especially before formalized, reliable identification methods clothes were an obvious way to figure out a person’s position in society. Expensive clothing was easy to spot when compared to cheaper clothing, so if a person was dressed in finery it was almost guaranteed they were actually wealthy.