I am a muse. They also call it “being an ideas guy”. While I can utilize some, I am far from knowledgeable enough on every subject to use them all, so I share. Like you, a Human… Or so they tell me.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • Exactly what they are doing now. Maybe next time Hamas wont fuck around, and thus, won’t find out.

    Unfortunately I do not have high hopes for them since Israel literally pulled everything out of Gaza in 2005 and they still weren’t happy with anything less than “Death to all Jews” ending with a giant wall, a “keep the fuck out” sign on the door, and literal hell raining down on innocent civilians.

    Which is exactly what they wanted in the first place so that fuck wits like you support their actions.

    Like I said, I do not support the policy. But I do understand the feelings that lead to it. If you do not you really need to back the fuck up and keep your mouth shut for the sake of everyone you are pretending to care about.

  • Honest question: Are you mentally disabled?

    I ask because I specifically and explicitly called out the Israeli Government, Lukid, and said they were fucking monsters so I can see no other reason why you would be confused short of a mental impairment.

    I am sorry that Israel has been at war since its inception and thus developed massive defensive infrastructure in response to countless attacks leaving their civilian population relatively unharmed in comparison to who they retaliate against.

    Maybe if the PLO and Hamas stopped with their bullshit and did the same they would have a better position to fight a real war instead of what they are doing now. Since the PLO specifically is considered the Government of the Palestinian people by numerous countries, maybe they can start specifically with removal of the Martyr fund. Preferably with the fund being payed out to the victims and families of the attacks instead of the families of the “heroes”.

    Or did you not know that was a thing?

    To make it super clear as words are not your strong suit:

    Fuck the Likud Party. Fuck the PLO. Fuck Hamas. Fuck every single person who supports either in their monstrous actions, including and especially, you.

    1. I am not your friend buddy.

    2. Thank who ever has a say in it for the Iron Dome. The thing literally built and perfected due to constant aggression from neighbors. Maybe if the people running Gaza and The West bank for the last century could have spent more time on domestic development instead of constantly attacking their neighbor this all wouldn’t be an issue and they would have their own military and defensive infrastructure.

    Unfortunately infrastructure doesn’t last long when it is torn out of the ground to make weapons and fired from other important structures and institutions at a group who literally don’t give a fuck anymore. Or did you forget that the groups running the show on your teams side are literal terror orgs who don’t care about their own populations and actively use them as means to an end?

    As far as your constant chirping about “No attacks” that is verifiably false and you can look it up yourself. That alone tells me you are simply a bad actor and I have nothing further to say to you because of that.

    Normally I would wish you well as a showing of me taking the high ground but honestly I hope you aren’t and never are.

  • Sorry to say everyone, shit is about to get violent again. It already happened in Halifax when a couple was assaulted by a group of Men. Threats are on the rise, vandalism on the rise, and violence on the rise. Not to mention the attacks on the political levels helping to drive this forward.

    Pulling out and cancelling the events because the bigots are getting spicy is how they succeed in rolling back every inch gained in the last 50 years. Go to pride, be proud, and be “on your way to a baseball game”.

    This cannot be tolerated, accepted, or met with pacifism.

  • Oh yeah I bet you’re a champion for all races, I bet you love Muslims / Arabs right? Israeli and Zionist aren’t races, you aren’t special.

    I do in fact love many Arabic and Muslim individuals. Some of my favourite people that I know. I feel bad for them when people like you support the extremist community that exists in their ancestral home lands and faiths. I hate the fact that they always feel the need to apologize and have to prove they are different because they fucking are.

    Like all proselytizing religions the teachings are violent and there can only be one. Many modern Muslims are far more liberal but that does not change the fact that Muslim dominated countries are almost always theocracies, or become them after a run at secularism and democracy, and very much push the most extreme version of the religion on their populations. Which in turn creates extremist factions, obviously not helped by western meddling, which in the 24 hour news cycle are the people who get all of the air time.

    So keep attacking me. I will be sure to show my friends what their “allies” are doing online so we can all have a good laugh and cry about how fucked up the whole mess is.

    One last thing:

    Race isn’t real to begin with, I use “racist” as a catch all because “Hates another human for being a part of a specific ethnic group” is too wordy. Which is generally how it is used in common parlance as well. I would say it is weird that you don’t know the nuance involved, but I come to expect that from bigots.

  • With all the things you say, you give no blame to Israel, as if they just popped into existence.

    Anyone with a brain does not blame Israel. They blame Likud, which I have done numerous times as they are the fucking problem and do not have popular support like every other Far right nut job group in every other country.

    Yes of course neighboring countries are going to be upset when a white colonizer country is created on top of other people’s soil.

    Ethnic Jewish people are not fucking white. Take your ignorant hate boner for whitey elsewhere.

    Yes Jewish and Christians were there before Israel, and it was way more peaceful.

    Blatant lie. The area has a history of blood shed. That is what happens when 3 groups fight a holy war for thousands of years.

    All of Israel’s existence has been belligerent.

    You would be to if you spent your entire life fighting against people who actively want to see you and everyone you know dead simply for existing.

    If “right to return” means steal people’s home and murder them, then no I don’t think they’re entitled to that.

    No, it means allowing the families of the 850,000+ Jewish people exiled from the greater middle east back into their home countries without fear of violence and persecution. Which is exactly what your “team” is asking for.

    Stop defending an apartheid state.

    Israel has a right to exist and has won that right the old fashioned way: War. Which was not their choice, that was their neighbors. If anyone else wants their right to exist to remain intact they should really stop pushing because Israel has demonstrated they are more than capable with their military over the last century and are currently being led by a group of monsters.

  • Israel did not become a thing until the late 1940s, before that there was no Palestinian-Israeli conflict. You like to spread lies and act as if deaths on both sides of the conflict are equal, they are not. You act as if both sides are on equal footing, they are also not.

    If you want to argue semantics the Israel-Palestine conflict didn’t kick off until after the 6 day war because Israel took control of what is now West bank and Gaza at that point. Before that the war was against Arabic nations like Jordan, Egypt, and Syria. Prior to that it was Jewish, Muslim, and Christians fighting over who owns the holy land while being occupied by super powers like the Ottoman empire.

    I assure you, I am far more educated on this than you and 95% of the social media justice warriors who think they are fighting for the “good guys”. What you need to understand is the only “good guys” are the ones stuck in the middle, including both Israeli and Palestinian civilians, and picking a side does not help them.

    If you don’t believe me look up who Palestinians were fighting with in WW2, and why they chose that specific ally.

    You act as if both sides of this conflict are equally responsible for what has happened. Well, prior to Israel being there, Palestine were there, they had homes and were kicked out, and continue to be kicked out. You have no leg to stand on when you steal from and kill innocent people.

    I actually don’t act like that. I wholeheartedly blame every neighboring country, and every proxy, for attempting to wipe Israel of the planet the day after Israel became a state and never stopping the attempt which allowed a party like Likud to prosper under propaganda and fear.

    Israel has been fighting a defensive war since start. I do not support the scorched earth policy, but I can empathize with why it exists.

    Jewish people were there too, and so were Christians. Look up the history of what happened when the Muslim population spiked in the area in the early 1900’s. Hell, look at the mass exodus of Jewish people from the rest of the middle east after Israel declared independence. Do their families get right to return?

    If you want to help, stop trying to. You are only making it worse by being ignorant.