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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Maybe this is a semantic thing, but communist parties actually don’t force revolutions. A revolutionary situation from capitalist crisis must occur for that to happen. This is clarified by Lenin. Trying to force a revolution before a truly revolutionary situation is an error ultra-left parties and orgs do and it ends up alienating them from the masses.

    (Good) communist parties aren’t passive though; they build revolutionary consciousness, provide alternative systems for addressing people’s needs, and form networks with other organizations and unions and ultimately win over as much as the working masses and their allies that they can, so that when a revolutionary situation occurs the people have a party to turn towards. Communists don’t wait; they organize and prepare.

  • I haven’t read much Furr, but as far as the common accusations of “historical revisionism” go…

    ALL history books are attempts at historical revisionism. What else is the point of writing a history book if not to recontextualize and revise how we see historical narratives? Any “serious” historian that charges another historian with “revisionism” for offering counter-narratives is a clown.

    That’s not to say that a scholar altering cold hard facts should go without challenge (that douchebag Stephane Courtois), but Furr doesn’t do this. Like others have pointed out, his work is well sourced, much of it from the Soviet archives, which when declassified disproved so many anticommunist myths.

    Given Furr’s reputation though, I would only feel comfortable bring his name up in leftist circles. If you’re in a discussion with some left-sympathetic liberal on the cusp of a breakthrough and want to recommend an esteemed historian that challenges the “Evil Stalin” narrative, I’d recommend Ludo Martens.

  • Of course it’s worth it. PSL is the among the most promising left orgs in America right now and whether you’re sympathetic to their ideology/praxis or not, it’s good for every American comrade to familiarize themselves with it.

    IMO We need new theory, especially in the imperial core. Marxists in imperial core countries can’t necessarily translate all of the Soviet Union’s or China’s theory to their own country and the dogmatic belief that they can do so is a major thing holding back factions of the Western left.