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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Spirituality does not, as it is not organized.

    As someone who grew up in a part spiritual household I heavily disagree. Flat earthers and traditional spiritualists like Neo-Pagans, Wiccans, etc, have the exact same amount of organization, if flat earthers are a cult, then so are most spiritualist groups.

    Most flat earthers aren’t in some organized cult, they get their misinformation from Facebook posts and YouTube videos, with there being a couple of small actually organized groups. The exact same can be said about spiritualists, just generally they used to get their spiritual beliefs from books instead of the internet (though that’s changed now for spiritualists too).

    If anything, I’d bet there’s more people in actually organized spiritualist groups than there are in actually organized flat earther groups.

  • Biden and Dem leadership were saying it up to a few months ago, so it shouldn’t be hard to admit.

    It was longer than a few months ago and they clearly said why they stopped even considering packing the Supreme Court.

    Not only did they not have a congress to pass it, because they’ve never held anywhere close to enough of a super majority to get past fillibuster. But it’s also effectively handing a loaded gun to a second Trump presidency or any Republican presidency to do the same.

  • I’m hardly responsible if the majority of or the leadership of The Party don’t align with my views. It is they who have failed us, not the other way around.

    Like I said, you’re not responsible for their current policies, that would be the Democratic voter base of 30 years ago, but you’re responsible for not trying to vote them out and writing off the entire fucking party as the same.

    Have fun feeling politically nihilistic and irrelevant though, it sure worked for the CPUSA, the SPA, the SWP and every other third partyist of the past 100 years.

  • Meanwhile they actively attacked Bernie calling him old (which is funny to think about now) and mocking his supporters as “Bernie bros” as they pulled all the stops to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination.

    This is what a couple media pundits said yes, I don’t think this is evidence that liberals secretly would rather have fascism however, for the same reason as I stated before, they spent almost every day of his presidency condemning him.

    Democrats bashed trump while helping him behind the scenes: https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/

    Speaking of which, they love funding fascists in general: https://www.vox.com/23274469/democrats-extremist-republicans-mastriano-cox-bailey

    Again, a few instances of some Democrats making stupid decisions and making a stupid tactical electoral decision, is not evidence that they prefer Trump to Bernie, or that they fought Bernie harder.

    For every article you can provide of an out of touch media pundit saying something about Bernie, or a party strategist making a dumb decision around Trump, I can find 10 times that amount of Democrats condemning something Trump did.

    The vast majority of liberal democrats criticizing Bernie cake during the two primaries, during which they were still criticizing Trump, and the majority of the non-primary time this past 8 years has been spent attacking Trump. Again, that doesn’t sound like more effort against Bernie than Trump to me.