Excuse me sir, do you have a licence and registration for that ice cream?
Excuse me sir, do you have a licence and registration for that ice cream?
Those lights could be UFO
The democratic party per se isn’t the problem.
First past the post democracies always result in what we have now. The democratic party will completely disappear under proportional representation. In it’s place you will see a proliferation of the power that is being grimly clasped by the corporate kleptocracy and their minions. Instead of 1% deciding how we manage our society, everyone gets a say.
Personally I would do this but it depends how well you get along with them. Obviously the last thing you want is arguments and sulking. Having your own space to retreat to would be the thing to negotiate ahead of time.
I don’t think it’s necessary to have a formal education in any subject, it’s more of a shortcut in the best case. An open curiosity and some logic for mitigating the biases from our reasoning is probably sufficient.
Superficially that is the appeal of Harris, he is articulate and strong on logic but it will only carry an idea so far. His stance on atheism is a good example of limitations of a purely rational approach to living in the world. I agree with his point that we probably would be better off without religion but we still need some of the spiritual elements. I suppose he would argue that he obtains this from an introspective practice which make his blind spots all the more surprising, given his obvious expertise in the area of self awareness e.g. Waking Up app and book. There’s some interesting insight on this point by the producers of Decoding the Gurus podcast where they recently mused the rise of fascism. One other podcast on the fringe of philosophy that I’ve found entertaining and informative is The Very Bad Wizards, it’s run by scholars for fun but I first became aware of many of the basic philosophical tenets there.
Thanks for the links, appreciate it.
Very interesting and I would not have expected that outcome. In some ways the actions of avowed racists is easier to deal with. If our cards are on the table we can at least have a discussion. The racism that dwells in people and institutions who never admit it is incredibly corrosive.
Reading historical texts about eras where the concept of race didn’t exist as we know it today is refreshing. I suppose they had other problems but the modern conception of race feels like a political tool and completely artificial. So too with gender, it’s encouraging to see kids abandoning those outdated notions.
I also had the feeling we were talking at cross purposes 😂 Language really shows it’s limits when considering these topics, it’s incredibly easy to mangle a sentence and give a completely different idea.
Impressed that you correctly detected the influence of Harris on my thinking although I didn’t read that text in particular. I’m only just getting into this subject as an amateur but it seems that you have studied it formally?
Playing with children can be pretty exhausting. My daughter loved her Lego pirate ship set and had me narrating the lives of ten swashbuckling sailors on the high seas every day. I needed to be on top form or she would catch my day to day continuity errors 😅
Is it a good question though? Even if we set aside the fact that it’s a loaded question, what are we going to do with the information?
It has a similar character to the question ‘what is a race?’. Information that people look a certain way is not particularly useful, on the other hand we feel it viscerally. If we don’t stop to think we end up making unhelpful judgements.
Race, gender, nation states, money, the past and future, these are just concepts and if we confine ourselves to the domain of concepts we run the risk of mistaking them for our actual experience, out in the world. We stop listening and start assuming that our internal narrative is infallible, because it is.
She’s not wrong. At least half the country is dumb as rocks and a good proportion is racist and generally bigoted. America has eroded its international standing to an unprecedented low.
We’ve created an environment where our option is a binary drink, not drink. Non drinkers are treated with suspicion. People who use other drugs are stigmatised. Little wonder sober socialising is problematic.
What about the moose knuckle?
You cannot be cirrhosis with that amount of vodka lovers.
I thought Dubai was trying to create tourist resorts? Can’t think of a worse advert. These people are essentially cave dwelling desert nomads from the bronze age who no one would have heard of if not for our oil addiction. Another failed former colony of the British.
This fact alone is so awesome about America. To be fair, I know very little about the UK government. I keep my voting strategy simple: whoever is proposing to get rid of first past the post closely followed by whoever is proposing more bicycle infrastructure. Failing that, whoever I think is going to lose.
There are tools that help you decide how to vote. Waiting until the day comes and searching Joe Biden is hilarious.
It’s a pity we often cannot maintain our machines, not because we don’t want to, the OEM have made them impossible to modify or repair. Anything with software in it is becoming an absolute nightmare.
That sounds scary AF. Props to you for maintaining presence of mind and avoiding a catastrophic accident. I heard similar runaway vehicle stories from Ford owners when electronic throttle bodies were first introduced.
The self is synonymous with experience. It’s why the self is simultaneously a substantial entity and completely without substance. We remember what it felt like to be ten years old and yet every single cell that generated that sensation has long since been replaced by adulthood. People who receive traumatic brain injuries can become strangers to their family and even themselves. The self is a contrivance and an emergent property of a neural network. Ever changing, elusive and yet reassuringly familiar.
It wasn’t that long ago that nobody drove cars to school. This is probably a complete non issue in places like the Netherlands. I was banned from bringing my daughter to school on a bike because they reckoned it was dangerous. The irony that cars were allowed past the gates but not bicycles was lost along the way. I kept doing it anyway because fuck cars.