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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Nah that’s 8+8=16 so 16 -2 is 14. 14 -1 is 13, so 13. or as my maths teacher said. Wat? 1 point, negative 0.5 for incorrect formula 0.5 total. Even though it always worked!

    Edit: Hell other ways to work it out. 7+7=13 logically vs my calculator so 5+5+5 = 15. 15 is incorrect why? because +5 is +2 more than necessary so 7+7 must equal 5+5+3 which = 13 or as my mental maths exam told me Fuck you! You Fail! Can’t do maths in 10 seconds then you are either retarded or have another mental issue, to the stupid class you go! (It wasn’t stupid class if those students got the support they needed they would have excelled!) (You had to pretend to be “normal” to make “academic progress”))

    3+3 =6. 6 < 7 so 3+3+3+3 = 12 but 6<7 so 12+0.5+0.5 =13

  • Not to give too much away. I’ve had to remove consumer and enterprise versions before.

    How enterprise is supposed to go is you get the deletion key. Uninstall restart the machine and it should be gone. Except that didn’t always happen. So you would do it again which sometimes worked or McAfee says the deltion key is now wrong, probably because it didn’t verify the uninstall. So you had to delete certain files in it’s installation folder run regular windows uninstall that hopefully finally kills it. I think at some point a downloaded uninstaller was used but I don’t really remember.

    Consumer was an “easier” uninstall mostly cus we had a script. Try windows uninstall normally or if that doesn’t work get the McAfee uninstaller online, run in command line with options (most of the time it was required and not doing so was an extra unessicsry step). You also had to check other places to make sure you got everything (it was a while ago I forgot what and where) because McAfee still sometimes just keeps running in the background doing nothing (hopefully) but hogging reasources.

    Was a while ago so for all I know McAfee got it’s shit together, but I would be surprised if they did.