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Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • No, that’s how you get her to marry you.

    “Then Jayson came up behind us and pulled his penis out of his pants. His thumb was covering the head, and all I saw was the shaft. Trish and I turned away and went and told Larry.” That refers to Larry McCown, the owner of Fireside Lane in Rifle, Colorado, who called the sheriff’s department.

    When Garfield County sheriff’s deputies arrived, McCown told them that he had repeatedly asked Jayson Boebert to leave the bowling alley but that Boebert had “refused to leave and became belligerent.” Boebert told deputies he had not exposed his penis, but had stuck his thumb through the fly of his pants as a prank. Trisha Walies disputed that in her account, writing: “I know that wasn’t a thumb because thumbs aren’t 6 inches long.” Lauren Roberts [soon to be Lauren Boebert] told deputies she had not seen Jayson Boebert expose himself.

  • He has literally talked about bypassing the 2nd Amendment.

    Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but** take the guns first, go through due process second**. - Donald Trump

    This is an actual quote from a White House meeting discussing the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

  • God’s delegation of governance

    Hawley is a US Senator and got his job by winning an election. The use of this phrase suggests something very dark to me. This phrase is rooted in the belief that all authority comes from God based on Romans 13 and that everyone should submit to government because God has granted those in governance authority. Resisting the government is essentially a sin and you will be judged for it.

    Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. (Rom. 13:1–2).

    Hawley, in a feet of mental gymnastics that doesn’t quite parallel the gymnastic skills of a 6-year old doing her first cartwheel, turns it all around. He claims, “Should the authorities break the terms of God’s “delegation of governance” and assault the people’s freedoms, then the people had a right to defend themselves, even to rebel.” This is nearly exactly the opposite of what Paul said.

    By his reasoning (and I use that term loosely), God gave Biden authority because “there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” Yet he says the people should rebel - his word mind you - against Biden because he is somehow breaking the terms of that granted authority. Terms that are not specified anywhere in the Bible. Yet the Bible says that if the people resist the government, they will incur the judgement of God.

  • Already in progress.

    Amid blistering summer temperatures, a federal judge ordered Louisiana to take steps to protect the health and safety of incarcerated workers toiling in the fields of a former slave plantation, saying they face “substantial risk of injury or death.” The state immediately appealed the decision.

    Last year, several men incarcerated at Angola along with the New Orleans-based advocacy group Voice of the Experienced (VOTE) filed a class-action lawsuit alleging cruel and unusual punishment and forced labor in the fields of the maximum security prison, once a former slave plantation that spans some 18,000 acres. The men, most of whom are Black, said they use hoes and shovels or stoop to pick crops by hand in dangerously hot temperatures as armed guards look on. If they refuse to work or fail to meet quotas, they can be sent to solitary confinement or face other punishment, according to disciplinary guidelines. [Emphasis mine]

    Fortunately for the state, the 13th Amendment allows for slavery as “a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.” You may be sure that this will increase by many orders of magnitude if Trump and Johnson get their way.

  • With a wannabe fascist dictator who wants to create a Christian nationalist country on the one hand, and abortion rights on the ballot, in one way or another, in many states on the other, it’s possible for a lot of states to become swing states this time around. A lot of people who might not otherwise vote may show up to vote for pro-choice candidates and ballot measures. That could be enough to turn some red states purple. Please don’t waste your vote on a third party Presidential candidate even if you think your vote doesn’t matter.

    If you want to support third parties, do it at the state and local levels. You might find that hard to do though, since most of them, including West’s Justice for All party and RFK’s we the people party don’t have any other candidates running for any other offices at any other level.

    These people are only running to siphon votes from other candidates and sway the election. West even has Republican operatives working for his party in North Carolina and Arizona to help him get on the ballots. We only know that because those states require signature gathers be registered with the states. You can bet your bottom dollar that they are helping him, RFK, and Stein in other states too.

  • Nah, it’s just to keep the rubes (Read: undecided voters) confused. Trump’s supporters are in favor of Project 2025. They want him to embrace it, but they also know that if he does so publicly, the media would rake him over the coals that that could cost him some of the rube vote.

    So Trump publicly says he is not associated with 2025 and both his supporters and Biden’s supporters know he’s full of shit, but the undecided voters think he might be telling the Truth. If he actually admitted he’s all in on Project 2025, he’s lose the undecided vote because they don’t want to live in a Christian theocracy any more than Biden’s supporters do.