• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023

  • Fedora Atomic is greag. uBlue is better ootb, but most of it can be simply achieved by layering some packages (rpm-fusion, enable auto updates through /etc/rpm-ostreed.conf).

    NixOS is a whole nother beast and I’d only recommend it if you use standalone compositors (labwc, hyprland, sway, wayfire, river, …), or want a declarative system.

    Edit: Just read your comment about not liking Fedora. In that case I’d recommend OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. Other immutable distros are smaller and I don’t have any experience with them. (IMO with atomic distros the distro doesn’t matter much because apps are installed through flatpak or distrobox anyway.(

  • Soon, Purple Hat should be charging for systemd and hopefully other corpos and organizations will move back to sanity.

    From systemd licenses readme:

    Unless otherwise noted, the systemd project sources are licensed under the terms and conditions of LGPL-2.1-or-later (GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later).

    New sources that cannot be distributed under LGPL-2.1-or-later will no longer be accepted for inclusion in the systemd project to maintain license uniformity.

    I can understand critism of systemd for its tools only working with itself and not with any other Unix tools. But it’s absolutely a conspiracy theory to think they’d want to charge for systemd. Though I do agree that if someone was charging for systemd (which they can’t because its open source), open source alternatives would pop up.

  • Those are all good reasons. XFCE aims to support Wayland with the next release, so if they choose to use an established compositor it shouldn’t be too buggy.

    With XFCE porting their apps over the setup shouldn’t change much, unless you’re using Xorg specific tools.

    Over the last few years most features I’d expect from a windowing system were added to Wayland, so I expect the drama to cool down. (I don’t even know what’s still missing (except accessibility), with VRR, tearing, DRM leasing (VR), and global hotkeys being done. It’s just apps like Discord that have to cave in under the pressure to fix their apps.)

    Once everything works, there’s no point talking about it.


  • I’d say flatpak isn’t the future because it’s already here and seems to be universally accepted as the cross-distro package manager.

    I do like how the Nix package manager handles dependencies, but it’s not suitable for app developers packaging their own apps because of its complexity.

    If a better flatpak comes around I’d use it too, but at least for graphical apps I don’t know what it’d have to do to be better. In my opinion, flatpak is a prime example of good enough, but not perfect and I’d be surprised if there was a different tool with the same momentum in 15 years (except snap, but they seem too Ubuntu specific).

  • It’s definitely just my opinion. Honestly did not mean to imply otherwise.

    For my opinion I usually create a comment below my post to seperate my opinion and the post itself.

    On-topic: I do believe it’s useful to have this switch and there’s nothing stopping distros to change their default. Completely replacing the default keybindings might be surprising to long time users, but I also believe it should be done at some point. For the meantime this switch can be simply added as an alias.

  • They likely don’t play Valorant, Fortnite, Roblox, Rainbox Six Siege, Destiny or League of Legends.

    Basically all of my games run well on Linux, but I wouldn’t dare say they run better on Linux than Windows. Some do, e.g. Minecraft, but almost all other games have at least a bit lower FPS.

    If games build for Windows in general ran better on Linux it’d be pretty surprising, given the amount of investment into Windows gaming there’s from many more big corporations than we have on Linux.

    Linux gaming is better than ever, but there’s enough people expecting too much and going back to Windows because of Linux gaming shilling.