That would certainly start a conversation.
That would certainly start a conversation.
Minium wage food for minium wage workers. Be kind to your neighbor, unless their hat is red.
They work hand and hand with OSHA but no, on their own, they have no power is my understanding.
Above is a link to the US chemical safety board, they investigate the worst chemical related incidents across the nation. In the chemical industry it is understood that these facilities are bombs. Bombs containing bio-weapons. OSHA is the only thing standing between lit fuses ready to kill hundreds and poison thousands.
Anyone going after OSHA is a straight pycho.
Edit: It should be noted, that despite their mandate, right now, they are barely a speed bump on the road to complete systems failures in facilities across the nation. Earlier this year a plant making food coloring in Kentucky, somthing that goes unregulated by PSM, exploded in a residential area. Killing workers and traumatizing the community. If anything OSHA needs bolstering not abandonment.
The private sector will not do this work. After watching companies ignore saftey concerns year after year, ultimately leading to disaster, it is now recommended a safety specialist be on the board of all PSM regulated companies.
I cant tell you how much I support and love you. You have my complete admiration, I’m not joking. Anything you need and I’m there.
That’s why it’s so important to cede nothing to these raging buffoons. Today it is, “[insert democrat] is guilty of ignoring court orders”, a total lie. Tomorrow it is, “I can be president forever because the democrats did it first” or would have done it to or are going to do it. It’s not complicated but understand there is no bottom for Republicans. If the talking heads will defend it, they will too
Look at even now they are falling back on their george soros rhetoric when elon musk is everything they claimed soros to be and more.
Don’t fight fire with fire. Fight fire with bricks. Be a brick wall and anytime they come at you with their think tank conceived bullshit you have to stop it in it’s tracks. Trump is not god and he does not have the best interests of the country in mind.
It’s a cult, they honestly believe trump is infallible. They will give him the benefit of every doubt and if he happens to nuke America’s greatest allies that was just a whoopsie daisy and there is no doubt a democrat was behind it all along.
Country roads take me back home, get me out of West Virginia, please help me god.
This is kinda the message I’ve been tip toeing around but it’s hard. I see this woman, she doesn’t look like the people I know who are struggling. She may just put up a good front but you put a struggling single mom working 3 jobs to make the bills in her place and she would break down crying having to say these things.
So we need to add to the message. Something that sinks in deep… Most Americans are already MAGA. They turn their head and plug their nose but in their heart of hearts they will accept MAGA government, they will accept MAGA rule, and they know when the killing starts they will accept that too. Otherwise, we would have been in the streets weeks ago.
How about this, George Soros me up and I’ll stir the shit for them.
Asmond gold, a wow streamer, has a direct line of contact to elon musk. Wtf we doing?
And Jerry will be R until the day he dies.
I can be polite and wont ham fist political conversations but yeah, don’t give me an opening, I’ll drive the knife in.
I just think there are lots of people that can speak on all of this intelligently and they feel no need to chime in. They are perfectly fine with the media circus and make no attempt to counter the idiot narratives.
I guess they obviously don’t exist, though. If they had the means and care they would have already appeared. 350 million people in the US and I’m all you got you poor souls.
I’d like a smug Dick Tracy. Amirite!
They are cowards. Trump being their man is enough to keep them in line.
Human remains are so hard to come by. I prefer human waste, much more abundant and it really captures the spirit of america.
Like, are you saying i should try to become an oligarch?
Let’s be honest. No one, outside of acedemics, really cared about information and the right is happily manufacturing their own.
If you can write something online and the only measure of it’s accuracy is how much people agree with it then there is no limit to the stupid shit people will say is fact.
I know there are right wingers waiting in the wings to turn this all on me but believe me when I say this, you would be lost if it weren’t for people better than yourself building what we have. The fact that you stand on top of it now and declare yourself the successors of logic and reason is what will make all of this collapse. Your world view is shit and you won’t stop until hate unfurls what we’ve been desperately trying to preserve.
I’m telling you. The DNC is a sunk cost. You’ll keep contributing to it thinking is valuable but when it’s time to cash in they’ve already cashed out. At least the RNC spends it’s political capital, mostly on shitty culture war shit, but they don’t let it disintegrate into nothing.
If I could teach the DNC two words to use against the opposition it would be, “so what?” I mean, they use it on their constitutes all the time so it should be nothing new.