🇲🇽 (@nocheztli:genzedong.xyz)

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2021


  • I’ve always hold sympathies for leftist causes. It is not that I was a red diaper as they say, but I was raised by my mother to help others and be compassionate. I think it is fair to say that her interpretations of Christianity and catholisism also had an effect in that, although I’ve never been too keen on the church. Even as a kid I admired Hugo Chavez, because while I didn’t understand everything he said at the time, I knew he was talking and acting in favor of the working people in Venezuela. As an adult with class consciousness today I realize that growing up in a world where there’s no Soviet Union has been quite fucked up and feel hopeful thanks to China’s rise.

    I feel I was primed to turn left in my politics since childhood and being a biologist the appreciation I gained for life in the planet was also a huge influence, but the pandemic was the turning point where I realized all the lies and the capitalist system as the driving force behind the crisis more than the virus. Marxism and dialectical materialism have exactly both the scientific outlook I always look for and the call to action that reminds me the world can be changed for better. Also, one day a colleague posted a video on facebook about K-pop’s late stage capitalism and it was a rabbit hole from then on due to my ADHD making me hyperfixate on it.

    I don’t even remember how I found GenZedong, but I think it was through BayArea415. Damn, I miss him.