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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2022

  • Imperialism: a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force

    This is any state ever. Diplomacy or force are literally the only tools by which they can see to their interests. Seriously diplomacy? That’s imperialism? Are you insane?

    Is this communism@lemmy or neoliberal Wikipedia readers @lemmy? Colonialism is a prerequisite of imperialism. The aztecs weren’t great, but they definitely weren’t imperialist.

  • Every country is a little authoritarian, and in equal measure fascist. The authority that enforces the hierarchy is the spiritual ignorance that gives rise to all of the social evils of this world.

    This is pure idealistic nonsense.

    Your personal feelings about the word are totally irrelevant.

    Did you bother to read On Authority? It’s not my personal feelings, but rather actual Marxist political philosophy. It’s bizarre for you to dismiss it as irrelevant while simultaneously insisting that your own bizarre word salad is fact.

  • I’m telling you that authoritarianism is a useless word. It’s used as a pejorative against any government that the wielder doesn’t like, and it misses all the actual problems of the regime being criticized. Authority is not by itself a bad thing, you have to look at how and why it is wielded. Is the problem with fascism that there is an authority? Or is it all the fascism?

    Seriously you could argue that any country that has ever existed is authoritarian, the proper functioning of a state requires concentration of authority. It’s incredibly silly to just throw the term at whatever you don’t like. Don’t conflate authority with whatever actual problems a political ideology might have. You just end up whitewashing them.

  • Israeli settlers should return to the country that they or their family came from originally. This is not like settlers in the America’s where we are talking 200+ years of families living there. This started after WW2 when the bigoted west could not bear to live with jews even after the holocaust, so they had to send them off on a settler project to other lands. Palestinian lands. Israelis should go back home, and the places they came from should pay for the reestablishing of their families. As well as paying reparations to Palestine. Isreal is not a legitimate nation. It is a colonial project occupying the nation of Palestine and the settlers must leave if there is to be peace.