Laura apparently doesn’t know cell phone screen shot etiquette… You can only post screen shots if your cell phone battery is below 15%
Laura apparently doesn’t know cell phone screen shot etiquette… You can only post screen shots if your cell phone battery is below 15%
Where it ends?
It ends when all news is just parroting Fox News. They will trade their legitimacy for WH access and fear of lawsuits and there will be no point watching or reading them anymore.
Honestly if I thought we could keep him in jail, that would be my preference. I couldn’t imagine how miserable he would be… If you take Ketamine everyday do you get withdrawals if you stop?
Hopefully horcrux can’t be damaged by bullets…
Wanna join my militia homie? We got lotsa rules…
Buy some Hongthai and or Poysian and you can come back and thank me after you get your next cold.
I feel like they are pushing everyone to the breaking point. How long until they knock on the wrong door and get shot?
That may have been true once, but not anymore.
The only difference is that light beer is, or at least used to, be preferred by Americans. Regular beer has the same standard range (5-5.5%) in both countries. In fact if it’s over 5.5 it has to be categorized as a “strong beer” in Canada while US doesn’t have that category and most craft IPAs (most popular craft beer) are 6% or over.
So it’s really entirely preference. Currently Americans drink 40% light beer, 35% regular domestic and 25% craft. Given that the market is flooded with craft IPAs between 7-9% its very possible US beers are stronger than Canadian beers now.
Its hilariously short sighted that anyone including the news thought that Trump is good for news outlets. Now it’s either lose legitimacy or lose WH access and possibly federal sponsored lawsuits.
Once you lose legitimacy you lose all value. Why would I pay attention to you anymore? If I just wanted to know what dear leader wants us to believe, I could go straight to the source at Fox.
No, but someone should make an app for it… Probably could make a bit of money.
Because the mining takes capital investment. The US having continuous resource extraction involvement means that if Russia attacks, the US would want to protect that investment.
Phase? Did he stop being racist?
I am a little shocked that healthcare is in the top 3. How many undocumented nurses are there? How do they obtain licensure? Or is this all just support staff?
Step 1. Be rich or know rich people
Step 2. Convince rich people to give you more money
Step 3. Repeat Step 2
I don’t know why people think there is this upper crust of super smart or ultra hard working people. Intelligence really doesn’t scale with pay or job type. Our own president is the ultimate proof of that.
It’s kind of like when you become an adult and realize the adults never actually new what was going on and have just been winging it the entire time.
No. Best we can do is offer you a cold hamberder.
It also leads to healthier offspring too, but that’s another story.
I have a buddy who has a baby with a very dark black woman and the baby popped out as white as a snow flake, blue eyes, blonde hair. Its wild, whitest looking kid I have ever seen.
Well if those regulations are going away anyway…
I don’t know if they even have that to spend on the deal