• 17 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • That makes no sense. The only hate one who believes COVID is a hoax might have is for the governments and/or pharmaceutical industry, but it is not an inherent aspect of the belief; I honestly have no idea where you got that idea from.

    The point I’m trying to get across, is that you can’t simply say the platforms users are hateful, purely using only the comment section below this blog post as an example. Looking at the top 20 surface-level comments (not including replies), absolutely none of them are being hateful, and the majority are praising Odysee for their move; you’ve just specifically singled out the one single comment fifth from the top, that happened to mention COVID being a hoax, and labelled it as hate, and the whole platform as hateful, just because of your pre-concieved notion that the COVID hoax theory originally stemmed from hate.

    I am defending Odysee’s community, because I’m an active Odysee user myself, and I know from experience what the community is like; I know that the community (overall) isn’t hateful. It’s only when videos get into controversial topics that things can become heated between users, but even then, it is usually just unharmful opinions and debates, and the exact same happens on YouTube every day. Comments inciting hatred or violence, which isn’t common, are removed by moderators when they are reported. I can’t stand being around toxic online communities, and Odysee overall isn’t one of them, otherwise I would have left the platform years ago. Like anywhere, including Lemmy, you choose which subcommunities to hang around in. And like YouTube, you can choose not to read the comments on a video and instead take it at face-value (I think most people do that anyway on YT). You seem to think that Odysee users are toxic, when I personally get attacked on YouTube by both trolls and angry people at least double the amount I do on Odysee, and my opinions aren’t generally considered controversial most of the time either.

  • They also earn money from the optional premium subscriptions, the 5% cut from channel donations, and 100% of the donations sent directly to them. The way the direct donations work is by going to a video, and just below it, clicking the “$ Support” button and making the donation either via cash or LBC. That’s an option for all channels on the platform.

    Otherwise, I don’t know the ins-and-outs of how the decentralised blockchain system works, but they do not have to host all of the sites content themselves, as it is also voluntarily hosted by other users. I’m not sure how this works at the moment; it previously worked by being a user of the LBRY Desktop app, but after the LBRY company shut down, and the LBRY app went away, I’m not sure how other people host the pieces of that content anymore. They are moving away from the LBRY blockchain protocol, over to the Arweave protocol, so I imagine they will bring out an Arweave app that may replace the LBRY app which that was used previously.

  • It does. You can get it on the Google Play Store or F-Droid. F-Droid version is very outdated though. You can always officially get the latest version directly from apk.odysee.tv.

    I only found out about that link to the latest version a few days ago, and I was previously using the F-Droid version to avoid using Google services. I don’t know how much better the latest version is, but my experience with the very outdated F-Droid version was that the app was very slow and laggy. I heard that performance tends to be quite good or terrible depending on your phone; my phone is just a cheap android phone from a few years ago, so it makes sense it didn’t run well for me. I haven’t tested the latest version yet.

  • Well if you report a video about a conspiracy theory for example, it won’t be removed unless it directly promotes or incites violence or hatred toward a particular person or group(s) if people. You may not like the content, but if it does not break the rules specifically laid out in the guidelines, it is not grounds for removal. The platforms goal is to allow as much free speech as is reasonable (and legal), not to allow people to say absolutely anything they want with no repercussions.

  • Edit: I now know that this banner is not an ad for Odysee’s premium subscriptions as it may seem to be. Memberships are separate to Premium entirely. Memberships are like the “Join” button you find on YouTube, where you pay a donation to that specific content creator and may get bonuses such as a badge next to your name in the comments, early access to videos, etc. depending on what benefits the creator chose themselves. Odysee only gets a 5% cut from this. This is completely justified as being the only thing that is arguably an ad on the site, as it is purely there to help creators thrive on the platform, and it can also be hidden permanently by clicking the X at the top-right of the banner; so they aren’t even being forceful about it either. The ads being removed were mainly referring to the pop-up ads that third-parties could place on the website.

  • Odysee was owned by LBRY before the LBRY company was dissolved. They were founded by the same team of people who created the LBRY company, and the LBRY network/protocol (the decentralised part), but are not themselves the same company. So the LBRY company going away was never going to dissolve Odysee also, which is why they still exist today. LBRY (the company) dissolving did not affect the content on Odysee because the LBRY network/protocol itself is open-source and decentralised; and LBRY being sued and dying does not somehow make the LBRY network/protocol illegal for Odysee (or anyone) to use. If Odysee had gone away, anyone else could have jumped in and made a new replacement frontend for the LBRY network/protocol (Odysee is a frontend for LBRY, after all).

    About a month ago, Odysee announced that they would be moving away from the LBRY network over to the Arweave network. Now, I’m not sure when they are going to do this, but it appears that at the minute they are still using the LBRY network/protocol for content uploads. The reason I think they are still using LBRY at this very minute, is that when I uploaded a video to my Odysee channel yesterday, I noticed in my personal uploads page that it was still using the lbry:// at the beginning of it’s address on the network.

  • What bloat? And Spyware…?

    The only trackers they use are onetrust geolocation cookie, which determines the country and state/city, but not exact location, based on your IP address. Than there’s googletagmanager, which I agree they should remove just for being Google.

    Calling them spyware for the tiny speck of data-collection they do is petty, when you’re completely ignoring the things that prove they specifically care about privacy. For one, you can sign up completely anonymously; secondly, you can comment and post videos under the name “Anonymous”; thirdly, according to their Privacy Policy:

    Third-party disclosure: We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your Personally Identifiable Information unless we provide users with advance notice. This does not include website hosting partners and other parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or serving our users, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential…

    Fourth: they are the only website I’ve ever known of to actually respect the “Do Not Track” setting that you can explicitly toggle in your browser settings. There is no standard way of managing “Do Not Track” signals in the industry, so 99% of websites have no systems in place to stop themselves collecting your data when this browser setting is enabled.

    There’s some tracking they were doing prior to their ads removal a few days ago in regards to what ads you were clicking on. But everything related to ads will likely be removed from the policy very soon, as the policy was last updated in 2021 when they were still serving ads. Example:

    We, along with third-party vendors such as Google use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookies) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) or other third-party identifiers together to compile data regarding user interactions with ad impressions and other ad service functions as they relate to our website.

    Odysee is not spyware, and nor is it bloated. Even if you could argue it has some amount of bloat (which is usually subjective, so you probably can); it still wouldn’t be anywhere near the 50x more bloat that YouTube, the very thing they are trying to be an alternative to, have themselves.