German trans woman (female pronouns) pursuing a cryptography-PhD in the Netherlands.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Okay, but if I compare my Ingo to Pfister’s Riverside the first thing I notice is this:

    I very early on made a very conscious decision that I wouldn’t put much effort into keeping it in pristine condition and would instead allow it to develop some character; if some liquid leaves a stain by embedding itself into the wood, then that would be a part of the tables story. Burnmarks? The same. And not only does that attitude make you much more relaxed, it gives the table character and it has been dealing with it very well. When I wanted to have a power-strip in the middle of the room I just screwed it to the underside of the table and brought the cable with some cable-holders that I nailed into it, to one of its feet and have been extremely happy with that ever since.

    Very few people, and I am very much not one of them, would be comfortable taking that kind of approach with a ≈1000€ table and I can assure you that I would be less happy for it.

    And yes, I care about the table being reasonably durable (which it is), but it being cheap is a feature beyond price too, and the largely untreated pine from which it is made is something that I like: I really enjoyed the smell that it had when it was still new.

  • Women are you doing today and how much more likely to be clear this is the queue for the vrouwen cafe stated that the zugbindung is een van de kleine Berg en Dal van de kleine Berg en Dal van de kleine Berg…

    When you are German, live in the Netherlands, communicate mostly in English and hate typing on your phone…

  • For starters with the abysmal waiting times, which are frankly inexcusable and scientifically unjustifiable considering the well-established fact that informed consent works. There is precisely no reason why trans people should have to wait longer than diabetes-patients to get treatment, quite the opposite in fact, considering that HRT can easily be prescribed by GPs. Yet the waiting lists in all of those countries are longer than for pretty much any other treatment.

    Then we have the incompetent selection of anti-androgens. Cypro is admittedly much better than Spiro, but properly scheduled injections of GNRH-agonists are much better and not done there. In exchange a friend of mine there who did trust her physicians at the time ended up unintentionally driving her cat insane, because nobody bothered to mention to her, that she shouldn’t touch other people or animals for 1-2 hours after application. Of course E is also only handed out as pills or sometimes as gel, because nobody can be arsed to prescribe injections, which would turn taking it into a weekly thing when talking about EEn.

    I can’t really comment on the quality of surgeries, once they happen, because in practice you seem to wait for them until you are old. Probably because all the surgeons prefer to do knee-surgeries with their 30% regret-rate…

    Now few of these things are specific, most of them hold in most countries that claim to offer trans healthcare, most notably the inexcusable waiting lists, but the Scandinavian countries are certainly not better. And that is before we get into all the bullshit about forcing trans kids to go through puberty because right-wing assholes keep attacking access to healthcare for minors, despite indisputable scientific evidence that this healthcare is necessary. And yes, that very much includes Sweden!

  • Having worked in healthcare in the past I’d almost always caution against using drugs made and distributed by unknown third parties if possible.

    That’s such a sheltered and privileged thing to say! The international de-facto standard of treatment for gender-dysphoria is very clearly and very quickly becoming DIY HRT, at least as the starting point, and pharmaceutical grade medication is usually too expensive for that. Trusted home-brewers are usually preferable, especially since their meds are actually made for trans people, rather than cis-people and have much more appropriate concentrations. It’s also not as if DIY is difficult, it’s just that most physicians are morons who can barely diagnose a common cold and therefore think that comparing the values in a blood-test to a reference-range is difficult. (No, I’m not making that one up!)

  • If they have a practical concern with this they can say something like (use name) (unsure) (any) after their username. Just to verify, are you trans yourself? This is common practice in basically every trans space.

    Yes, and that is WHY I’m so vocal about it, because I have experience with environments where the choice really was to misgender myself or to risk looking like a biggot. It sucked and that

    Requiring people to state their pronouns is unironically a transphobic policy!

    No, it’s not.

    It forces trans people who are early in their transition and eggs to pick between two really bad options. That makes it functionally (not intentionally) transphobic.

    closeted trans people who have an identifiable account and similar groups now have to misgender themselves, which is a much more horrific thing than getting misgendered by someone else.

    I would suggest they create a new account for exploring these feelings in trans spaces, then. Its more secure to do that anyways.

    A big point of something like Lemmy is that you don’t need separate accounts in all the communities that you are in and trans communities should put the bar low for people who are looking to explore things. It may not always be the safest thing to do, but reality is messy and people who are just kinda uncomfortable with what they have may still be far away from understanding.

    He/him is the assumed choice in most internet spaces which misgenders a wide swathe of trans people, of course I would prefer it to be they/them, as its better if you don’t know the person’s pronouns. The reality though is we need to implement these things in steps so people can properly understand why its important to use they/them when you don’t know someone’s gender. I still get regularly misgendered with she/her in my name, these people that purposefully misgender must be removed from this space to make it safer, and by having more people with pronouns in username, it will make that job easier.

    Nobody says you can’t have your pronouns in your username if you want them too, but forcing other people to do the same is really reaching into other people’s personal zone to an extend that I do consider inappropriate.