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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I’m trying to relocate closer. Rent is higher near my work so it is easier to save here then buy something closer to work.

    It is not people’s fault they are reliant on the infrastructure provided or constrained by their field of work/desired salary. The main hwy into the town is packed one way each rush hour. A tram, local rail, or high frequency BRT could help fix that, but theres just a slow, unreliable low frequency bus or drive. Those are the only options.

    Some people also must balance their living situations between their family memebers and their workplaces/salaries. It is easier to provide people better options to get around than it is to expect people not to travel.

  • I was damn near broke when I moved to my apartment. I had to change cities due to rent prices. I found a central location in the new city but after 8 months of job searching the only hit I got was in a rural area just outside the city. I am very good at this job and the owner respects me so its currently my best employment oppourtunity. I am expected to be on call at times so I cannot rely on the bus service to the rural location. I carpool with another employee when the schedule allows.

    Things aren’t as easy to switch as you make it seem. Many of us are forced to drive because that is the world that was built for us. I manage to walk most places I need to in the city and even downtown pedestrians are barely considered in the design of the street. If I must drive somewhere I save those trips for days I’m already commuting.

  • We would need massive changes to our transportation systems before raising the minimum age to 25. Most people have a full time job by that age and are much less dependant on their parents to get around. I also think raising the age isn’t the best solution overall, you’d have to wait until 25 or older to start a career with driving including trades, bus drivers, truck drivers, emergency services personnel, and many other jobs. We can’t expect the fire department to take a tram to the fire.

  • Canada voted a guy in on the basis of electoral reform and nearly a decade later we have no changes there and political theatre mirroring the two party american way of “don’t vote for him, he’s way worse than me!”

    We need our politicians to be accountable for inaction, misrepresentation, excessive lobbying, and failure to provide campaign promises.

  • In my experience many people are disconnected from the possible down sides of vaping. Many figure it isn’t ciggarettes so it’s harmless, which isnt exactly true. Nictotine is still very addictive, even if it had no health concerns just getting financially tied to the substance is concerning. We should defintely be doing more to educate youth about these risks, do more to keep nicotine out of minor’s hands, and bring large fines or even jail time for people caught selling to underage users.