Out of all of the possible headlines for this study, which the article itself even critiques, why do they choose the single finding that highlights a so-called ‘debate’ that is often used to try to divide the trans community? It’s not like specific targeting of trans women is new or unknown, and the bigger issue trans men usually face is erasure, usually in similar ways to the struggles the article cites as being faced by lesbians. The article could have picked any one of the several other findings from the survey, so why didn’t they use those other findings, many of which are far more important and not as well known?
This is obviously horrendous on the face of it, but in addition, he doesn’t even consider people who take medication classed as antidepressants for other issues. I am on a tricyclic antidepressant that does help my depression, but I also take it because it significantly reduces migraine attacks and mitigates my IBS symptoms. So even if you do think that depression is ‘all in your head’ (ignoring all modern information and proof to the contrary), you still should be enraged by the mere suggestion of a policy like this.