Dave’s Killer all the way.
Dave’s Killer all the way.
The threshold is creeping anyway, may as well dip into accelerationism.
*superficially desirable
What? But Oreo Megastuff cookies exist
Oh he did- he leaned his full weight toward creating today’s reality for the last 55 years of his life.
A favor, in this economy?
Or between 12 and 14.
“Are you not entertained?”
David Attenborough nodding
They have physical locations and extant real estate across the entire US.
So, rather than continuing to give billions to private ISPs that do literally nothing with that money, and who double-down to curtail services whenever mildly inconvenient, my suggestion is that we (ie US Government) does not provide a single additional dollar in funding or subsidies, and instead invests that money in building itself a USG internet UTILITY. If necessary, clawback the billions that have gone to Comcast, ATT, Verizon et al, or just seize their networks and charge their executives with RICO and fraud. They essentially operate as a cartel anyway.
I actually meant both. To use USPS for basic banking, AND have them offer internet from the same locations.
The US Government needs to stop dicking around with this neoliberal bullshit and just offer mobile and home Internet AS A UTILITY.
Use the existing USPS infrastructure and cut out all the bullshit ISPs and parasitical orgs that have been bloating themselves on taxpayers for decades, with zero improvements to users.
Bring back basic banking at USPS too.
drinks a pint of Vaseline
People are also desperately lonely and isolated. They hang out in coffee shops just to have other living humans around them- even if they’re not actively interacting.
We are all alone, together.
The U.S. government entered into approximately 374 treaties with Native American tribes between 1778 and 1871. Then broke pretty much every one.
The history of this country is shameful.
I would say it’s the reverse for me. The older I am, the more I understand, the angrier I remain.
They have it at Costco now. Double loaf packs.