• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Just posted about this in a different thread:

    The US senators: mitch mcconnell, ted cruz, and lindsey graham used fraud to win their respective seats in 2020. All three were in tight races according to the polls but all three won with bigger margins than was to be expected.

    This idea came from a few articles that were discussing this issue a few days after the election, then those articles all just disappeared.

    Maybe the articles disappeared because there was no fraud

    Maybe the articles disappeared because there was?

  • You’re right there has been some shitty things happening to protestors that for the most part have shown great restraint with the way they’re protesting. But an honest question, is this a feature of the Biden administration or are the crack downs happening at a more local level?

    Because what I have seen and heard about from trump and his lessor demons is the desire to make protests illegal on a Federal level and to uphold that idea with state sponsored violence.

    There is an argument to be made that Biden, as President to all Americans, should be making a statement to condemn these violent acts against mostly peaceful protestors at the very least and I have not seen that from him which is disappointing. But yet he and his administration have not in any way pushed for legislation to outlaw the protests. Nor has he tried to coerce the media from reporting on it. I don’t have faith that a trump administration would do that.

    I also understand why people are frustrated that the best we have is “well we will let you protest (with a little violence), but we will not really listen to you.” But at least we get to stay on the path of democracy and hopefully there can be better candidates that can start to shift the focus in a different, better direction. As much as people want big changes to happen right now, unfortunately the country is too big and too entrenched for that to be reality. BUT it can change if we can keep it from becoming a dictatorship.

  • It sets both the technical requirements and recommended best practices for determining the validity of methods used to authenticate digital identities online. Organizations that interact with the federal government online are required to be in compliance

    My argument is that if this document (and others) are requirements for companies shouldn’t there also be a more approachable document for people to use?

    Sure, have the jargon filled document that those in the know can access, but without an additional not so jargon-y document you’ve just added a barrier to change. Maybe just an abstract of the rule changes on the front page without the jargon?

    I don’t know, maybe it’s not a big deal to compliance officers but just seems to me (someone that isn’t a compliance officer) that obfuscating the required changes behind jargon and acronyms is going to slow adoption of the changes.

  • The one that gets me is that if the Universe is infinite but how matter can organize itself is finite (albeit a very large number) then there is another galaxy just like ours, another Earth just like ours, and there is another GoofSchmoofer writing this exact some thing in the exact same way somewhere out there.

    And if this is true then how many GoofSchmoofer’s are there in this infinite Universe?

  • In 1816 was the year of no summer. The common explanation is that a volcano erupted reducing the amount of sun light that hit the earth making it much colder for that year. But really the Truth is much crazier.

    Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials for 1000’s of years, some wanting to see humans evolve technologically others wanting to stop or slow our knowledge due to our violent nature. Well after many decades of back and forth fighting, the anti-human ET’s went all in and decided the only safe galaxy was one without Earth and started a chain reaction to destroy the sun. This was 1816.

    But… we still have a sun you say. Yes but it isn’t real. NASA (New American Science Academy) which was founded in 1690 in New York had been in close contact with the Pro-human ET’s , who unfortunately were blindsided by this very radical display from the Anti-humans and missed their opportunity to stop them. So the only thing they could do was to ‘rebuild’ the sun giving NASA the information on how to keep it going.