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  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The current chairman was selected by Biden, so he’s presumably onside. He and the rest could hypothetically stage an internal coup against Biden, but you’re describing something that has never to my knowledge occurred, and would smash the political machine of the party from within.

    At that point we’re talking about an actual revolution, and you and I are not close enough to open that discussion.

  • You say “we should run a Dem candidate” but this is not how the system actually works. Both parties are private organizations whose internal policies are regulated internally. The primaries are not public institutions, they are not federally regulated, and their results are not even legally binding. “We” could run the perfect candidate as a Democrat. They’re unfailingly charismatic, knowledgeable on every subject, yet every voter sees themselves in them. Lifelong Republicans even change party to vote for them. Ultimately, the Democratic party is not obligated to accept them as leader, even with 100% of all votes in their favor.

    It’s broken. I’m not trying to tell you that it’s okay. It’s not. But just being mad without understanding what you’re mad about isn’t going to change a damn thing.