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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • I’d imagine that all their lives, they’ve been told stuff like ‘If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains’ and also ‘God is all-powerful and all-loving’.

    They have faith. They trust that God will heal. From everything they’ve been told about the religion, praying a disease away is a piece of cake. Jesus did it with leprosy, so why shouldn’t they be able to do it to? Giving her insulin would have shown doubt, and they can’t have that when they’re desperately trying to prove their faith. Plus, it’s not like an all-powerful and all-loving god would let an innocent girl DIE because of that, right? But even if he did, then that’s all part of his master plan.

    They already have a thought-terminating cliche for every red flag their brain raises. It’s truly awful what happened and that people would sooner lose a child over losing their religion.

    Edit: Just got back from the article and a few followups. Nevermind! This was a fucking cult. >The Saints—a tight-knit group that only has 23 members in total, spread over three families.

  • Sort of, but she gave most people realistic names, it’s only with people further outside the central narrative that gets weird, and it goes further than just the name. I referred to my made-up character as ‘European’ and used common Spanish and Italian last names, which would be weird, but fine by itself. However, imagine if they were the ONLY white character in the entire book, and JK only wrote about how “Lombardi loved pasta and naps” as their main characteristics.

    Cho Chang is a popular and smart girl who struggles with always listening to her parents, but suddenly becomes dumb around Harry because “she can’t focus around him”. She’s basically just a ManicPixieDreamGirl for Harry to have emotions about.

    So, it’s not just about the name, it’s how the character is treated overall, and the way she’s treated is as a generic Asian romantic interest stereotype with a made-up name.

  • Shacklebolt = Shackled and bolted down = Enslaved

    Not a great name for basically the only black person in the books.

    Cho Chang = Both are Chinese or Korean LAST names. ‘Cho’ isn’t a first name in any Asian language, so she’s mixing and matching languages and cultures. She also only describes her as ‘Asian’ in the books, furthering how little effort was put in.

    It’s like saying ‘Lombardi Fernandez’ is a European name. Ignorant on multiple accounts.

  • No, I haven’t been, and that’s why I said personally. The reason why I never wanted a gun in my house is because of looking at the statistics of who is by far the most likely to get shot by that gun. [Either me or my spouse.]

    I am all for responsible gun ownership and made the personal choice not to get one because the threat of my government has not been a credible threat. That is changing, which is why I am trying to decide to make the personal choice to get one. The increased risk to both myself and my spouse is nearing the tipping point where NOT having one is a greater risk from my government.