• 9 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Some choice excerpts:

    Problems arose immediately for the A-TEAM nationwide. In California’s Salinas Valley, 200 teenagers from New Mexico, Kansas and Wyoming quit after just two weeks on the job. “We worked three days and all of us are broke,” the Associated Press quoted one teen as saying. Students elsewhere staged strikes. At the end, the A-TEAM was considered a giant failure and was never tried again.

    “These [high school students] had the words and whiteness to say what they were feeling and could act out in a way that Mexican-Americans who had been living this way for decades simply didn’t have the power or space for the American public to listen to them,” [Stony Brook University history professor Lori A. Flores] says. “The students dropped out because the conditions were so atrocious, and the growers weren’t able to mask that up.”

    She says the A-TEAM “reveals a very important reality: It’s not about work ethic [for undocumented workers]. It’s about [the fact] that this labor is not meant to be done under such bad conditions and bad wages.”

    And what one dude who went through the program as a 17 year old has to say about it now:

    But he says the experience also taught them empathy toward immigrant workers that Carter says the rest of the country should learn, especially during these times.

    “There’s nothing you can say to us that [migrant laborers] are rapists or they’re lazy,” he says. "We know the work they do. And they do it all their lives, not just one summer for a couple of months. And they raise their families on it. Anyone ever talks bad on them, I always think, ‘Keep talking, buddy, because I know what the real deal is.’ "

    My reading is that it failed because there was no political will to actually provide for local-born farmers any more than immigrants. And as such, it was doomed to fail from the start.

  • the police say they are targeting the criminals responsible but cannot “arrest their way out of the problem”. They also say manufacturers and tech firms have a bigger role to play.

    Even though I fully expect the police here aren’t doing as much as they could (I mean come on, are they expecting phones to come with wiimote hand straps?) , I’m at least glad their public rhetoric is that they can’t “arrest their way out of the problem”.

    I imagine that’s poor compensation when you’ve just had your phone snatched, however.

  • The audacity to tout classism and ableism as reasons as to why people should “get to” use LLMs for their “write a novel in a month” challenge…

    Even when someone’s inability to write a novel in a month is because of their class or disability, I somehow doubt they want to let a machine write their novel for them. I mean, it’s not like NaNoWriMo is a way to put food on the table or something, right?!!

    This feels like the arguments Mid journey fellators fanboys were spouting a year ago (or has it been two?) on how not everyone can afford a school of fine arts 🙄

  • Their starting aside is pretty great as well;

    And I’m using that term throughout this post because it’s the commonly accepted descriptor, but we all know it’s not really artificial intelligence, right? I also want to distinguish it from actually-useful and ethically-produced technology like what gets used in the medical field to help humans examine and analyze impossibly huge datasets in the service of doing things like curing cancer. We’re talking here about the plagiarism machines like ChatGPT, everything it underpins, and all of its conceptual mirrors.

    Leave no wiggle room for the AI sycophants.

  • Après ~6h de jeu, je fais le constat : ca fonctionne plutôt bien !

    J’ai pu faire une partie en quick match sans soucis. J’ai aussi pu faire plusieurs parties custom avec un pote via le système d’invitations. Le seul soucis avec celles-ci, c’est qu’apres la partie terminée je n’arrive pas a rejoindre une nouvelle partie via invitation sans redémarrer le jeu. Il met a peine une dizaine de secondes a se lancer sur ma machine, donc c’est loin d’être bloquant pour y prendre mon plaisir !

    précisions : je suis sous Arch Linux et j’ai suivi a la lettre les instructions dans le lien de ce poste, inclus la partie “pour jouer en multi”

    ping @diminou@lemmy.zip qui voulait un retour d’expérience

  • Je suis agréablement surpris par la qualité de cette video !

    Traînant dans le game dev moi-meme depuis quelques années, je n’ai rien a rajouter sur le sujet de l’IA, et ma seule critique de la video serait sur un des tout derniers propos. Si la lutte est souvent requise pour prendre du plaisir en la réussite, il faut quand meme avoir l’impression qu’un jour on réussira pour continuer a lutter (dans le cadre du jeu video comme passe-temps ludique).