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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • I mean, making dubious consequences apply to the “in group” is a vital step in getting rid of those consequences. Most conservatives were fine with treating addiction as a crime in the 80s when it was black folks getting arrested for crack, but when it was white, working class folks getting arrested for opiates, we were able to start talking about addiction as the medical condition it is. It’s a shitty road towards progress, and I wish we could better… but changes in a democracy require convincing people of the need to change, and sometimes that just can’t happen until they fall through the cracks in society personally.

  • If there were a “no genocide” candidate that could win, making that a single issue would matter. Biden supports Israel despite their actions in Gaza… which he has publicly stated he doesn’t agree with and has taken concrete, if underwhelming, steps to try and stop. Trump has shown us during his previous administration and told us recently that he will support Israel harder and will likely take steps to decrease the resistance to the Palestinian genocide if not outright accelerate it. He’ll also accelerate Russian aggression in Ukraine and likely would ignore our Article 5 responsibilities when Putin advances farther into Europe. I’ll assume you’re familiar with the policy differences on climate and how climate change impacts poor regions (like Gaza) more than it impacts affluent ones like the US (and even we’re getting our asses kicked by climate change this year). You can vote to take a moral stand, or you can vote for desired outcomes. The people trying to convince you not to vote 3rd party are trying to convince you to vote for a desired outcome. There is presently no likely outcome that gives us a non-Biden, non-Trump administration for the next 4 years. Based on that fact, we want to maximize the likelihood of the best availa le outcome. That’s what we’re asking…to think about what the world looks like for the people you care about under Biden and compare those outcomes to what it will look like under Trump and vote based on those outcomes. The time to find the ideal candidate is at the beginning of a presidential term, not the end of one.

    You can bet your ass most of us are including the ongoing genocide in our voting decision, we’ve just thought about it enough to know our options aren’t between “stopping genocide” and “continuing genocide”, the choice is between “resisting” (aka, the status quo) or “accelerating”.

  • Next on Faux News…Biden officials caught taking dihydrogen monoxide, a dangerous performance enhancing chemical known to kill thousands of Americans each year simply by inhaling it. Sources tell us they’d have pitchers of this stuff everywhere. They serve it at meeting right out in the open. Some staff members tested were found to have nearly blood contamination levels as high as .45! An aerosolized version of the compound is a key component in chem-trails left by airplanes, and many scientists believe that having so much in the atmosphere is a key driver of severe storms the liberal elite blame on so-called “climate change”

  • Guns don’t protect children. They’re the leading cause of death in children.

    I have no idea what you’re talking about with protecting food…hunting? Not how most people get their food. Most people get food from a grocery store…where they’re increasingly likely to get shot.

    If the freedom line was in reference to the military, there’s hardly a vet alive who’s done that… they’re all dead from old age. The only wars we’ve been fighting were for revenge or resources. I say that as a vet.

    If you’re talking about protecting us from our government…as far as I know, nobody has even won an armed confrontation with the police or feds over freedoms. Guns made Waco worse. Guns made Ruby Ridge worse. I guess the Bundy’s protected their “right” to steal from taxpayers by grazing their cattle on public land without paying for it like they should have. That feels like a less important right than “life” to me personally.