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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Aaaand… we’re upvoting comments of people that obviously have not read the article.

    New court documents filed in the US shows that Russian authorities “seized” Google’s money from their bank account in Moscow in 2022 around the time Putin invaded Ukraine.

    This happened at the time of the initial invasion and this article is just talking about the lawsuit over it.

    So, unless your trying to imply that Google should have been able to see the future, your comment is inappropriate. I only point this out because you’re so highly voted up and are clearly spreading misinformation.

  • I don’t understand why people don’t understand China’s position. Especially since your so correct in your assessment. Xi will absolutely not suggest a god damn thing. China couldn’t give less of a shit where the borders are between Russia and Ukraine. It’s because of everything you said. They don’t want Russia to crumble completely because of BRICS, beyond that if Russia returns all the land to Ukraine, China would be fine with that. Hell, even if Russia takes fairly significant losses and becomes a vassal state to China, that outcome would be fine to. Russia just can’t completely crumble. China has been using it’s natural resources to buy allies, that’s why BRICS has been growing. Not because of anything to do with the war. This is also why all the world calling for China to stop Russia has fallen on deaf ears. China simply does not care. Except of course if it can help their PR, which is all this meeting would be about.

  • Except by your own argument it really is. The UK has blocked many sites for many reasons. However, none of those reasons are for crowd control. Your example is ironically proof of the statement. This is the first time a western nation has banned media for the explicit purpose of quelling a protest and suppressing speech. Your example is a government banning a site not to quell a protest or to suppress speech, but instead because of a governmental disagreement between two nations. Now which one you think is valid for suppressing speech is a totally different question, only that they are two separate and completely different reasons.