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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • So like, I get that first point, echo chambers arent particularly healthy, but I have two points counter to that

    1: The people I’ve decided to shut out arent really driving any real nuanced discussion. Its heavily “America Bad, Russia Good”. Sure we can talk about American Hegemony, but if you want to bring it up in response to Countries seeing one of their neighbors invading another neighbor and seeking military protection from being invaded themselves, yeah no, America wasnt the driving force behind this recent push. Further, it was the most recent ignition of the Isreal Gaza clusterfuck that drove my particular hatred of Tankies. You see enough people cheering on a massacre and you dont really want to listen to them anymore

    2: I’m on the internet in my free time, I’m not paid to be here, nor am I here to make the world a better place, my own mental health takes priority over contributing to a more fair and varied discussions, and Tankies are particularly bad for engaging in bad faith discussions and I dont want to get 4-5 comments into an arguement before I realise that half of what a person is saying to me is manipulative bulshit, so if they are showing all the red flags of being a Tankie, I’m just going to remove them from being a problem for my future. I’ve half quit Lemmy about 3 times already because of the extremism present here. I dont particularly want to hang out on r/thedonald to see the rights opinion, I’m not gonna listen to a tankie to try and figure out what a reasonable communist might think

  • Look man, North America sucks, but I’d rather have the States as a Superpower than Russia or China. So if you’re gonna suck those two off by defending the invasion of Ukraine or suggesting Taiwan should merge back with China, I dont have time for that. And for the Gaza thing? I dont particularly value the opinions of those who relish the thought of dehumanizing a population, The Isreal/Gaza situation is a horrific generational clusterfuck and both Hamas and the Israeli Government can go fuck theirselves, a terrorist attack, while “understandable” is never something to celebrate, and what the Isreali Government is using that as an excuse to do is abhorrent.

    Edit: (Trump getting in again would definitely fuck with whether or not I’d prefer the States being the Superpower tho, although I’m not sure yet how that’d change the rankings)

  • 1: I’m just a user, if its just me blocking you, it’s likely not going to impact your lemmy experience much

    2: While the .ml tag means I instantly am wary/distrust you, the autoblock happens when you try and justify anything Russia and China has done.

    Maybe Ukraine deserved to be invaded? Block

    Countries surrounding Russia lining up to join Nato is a sign of expanding US Hegemony? Block

    Isreali citizens deserved to be gunned down and r***** because they are settlers and not human? You better believe thats an autoblock

    (China’s not currently on this example list because they havent done anything in the last few months. I guess you could replace Ukraine for Taiwan in the first example)

    (But really, if you are still in .ml and not a Tankie, you should move instances, that instance is too far gone for it to recover)

    edit: And before one of you fucknuts “WHATABOUT GAZA” 's me, yeah FUCK the GOVERNMENT of Isreal for what they are doing to Gaza currently, two warcrimes dont make a right

  • Yeah, I’m not raising pitchforks yet, just noting an observation. If this becomes a treadmill it’d just make curating lemmy more tiring than it already is

    edit: Fine, I’ll rephrase. Unless mod infiltration happens, I likely wont ever raise pitchforks towards .world.

    .ml and Hexbear got as bad as they did because they encouraged and sheltered Tankies, which I agree with you doesnt happen in world

  • Yeah, most of these responses from me now aren’t fully for the people I’m talking to, Tankies here argue in INCREDIBLY bad faith, they lie about their intentions and purposely leave out parts of their beliefs they know are unpalatable, so I block the people I’m responding to fairly quickly. But I put rebuttles up when I have spare emotional/mental energy so that those who read can start seeing these guys for what they are (obsessed with violent revolution)

  • It was the most Tankie toxic instance that was around during the reddit migration, once the Gaza shitshow started full scale, they were celebrating the slaughter of Isreali citizens that Isreal used as an excuse to up their warcrimes on Gaza. Most of the new lemmy migrants realised real quick we had no tolerance for these bloodthirsty fucks and started blocking them en mass, at that point .ml was relatively low radar despite what ml stands for, but as more of us started blocking anything and everything hexbear, ml started recieving more users who werent satisfied being disgusting in silence

  • Basic mobile Lemmy with the lemm.ee prefix lets me see instance next to username (no instance means they are on the same instance as me). And man, with how much gaslighting and server hopping the Tankies do here, I dont think I would have survived on here as long as I have without it. I already get suckered into to many arguements that decrease my mental health, having a huge red flag that a user may be arguing with me in bad faith helps nudge me into just blocking and not engaging. Lemmy is a double edged sword for me, I get far more tools for curation than reddit ever gave, but because of some of the more extreme “factions” that hang out here, I actually have to use them far more often