I was here.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023

  • You know Biden has been on camera for decades, right?

    These rhetorical questions sound very condescending.

    Yes, I know the basics of neurology and anatomy. I also know that you’re less likely to focus and use those mental functions if you’re exhausted from travel and sickness, which I’ve experienced before at less than half his age.

    There is literal decades of science about how aging effects the brain.

    Yes, geriatrics is a branch of medicine.

    My point about his stutter is that people are pretending that he’s far worse than he is because he struggled that night with his speech. He’s not excellent and yet not outright incapable because his executive functions are all there. You can piece together what he’s trying to say but it’s just not coming out how he intends to. The format of the event where he gets cut off instead of taking a deep breath and trying again unfortunately accentuates it. And if he’s still incumbent and doing fine without any obvious characteristic signs of severe mental decline that are not expected for his age, why should we focus so hard on it? You can see that he’s fine in the ABC interview.

    And I will not accept your claim that his stutter was only during his teenage years. Those are life-long conditions. I should know because I have one.

  • It’s fucking insane so many people are defending him.

    It’s not. I only defend him when the criticism isn’t valid and he’s not even my president. People actively ignore that he has a speech impediment. People on this site repeat the lie that he has dementia. And everyone who remotely dislikes him keeps calling him genocide Joe as if he’s the one orchestrating the whole Israeli-Palestinian conflict alone, ignoring the history and political context.

    They’ve tied their identity to Biden like trumpets to trump.

    I hardly think that’s true. Biden’s personality is boring old white guy with no swag.

    Stop the lies.

  • I’m still not convinced. Just because you hold yourself to a certain standard for your population doesn’t mean you can’t behave differently with other people. I don’t know of a system of government that requires that kind of ethical consistency but someone else probably does. But my point is that democracy doesn’t seem to be one of those.

    I do get you, though, it’s beyond shitty, and looks like a bunch of self-serving hypocrites. I simply don’t believe it’s a requirement.