So because of fascism we
just need to sit down shut up and tolerate homophobia?need to sack the fuck up and stop getting our feelings hurt over shit that doesn’t matter, before my ass gets thrown in a deportation center by the fascists.
Fixed that for you.
Get it through your skull: I’m not your enemy just because I laugh at jokes you don’t like.
I’m the one fighting on your side, and Republicans love nothing more than to see you beat up on me for whatever I said that “offended” you.
You weak-ass Democrats could use all the help you can get right now, in case you haven’t noticed. I guarantee Schumer or Jeffries isn’t going to fight to save your ass from Republicans getting rid of you. I, however, will.
So yes, sit down, shut up, and tolerate a bad fucking joke while men like ME do the heavy lifting for you fucking pussies.
Oh, spare me the drama before the bear in me comes out and I personally bend you over and plow your ass until it’s wider than the fucking Lincoln Tunnel to teach you that if you can take a dick, you can take a joke.
Yeah, because you’ve done SUCH a good job of that over these last eight fuckin’ years, huh?
We’ve seen what you Democrats do when you try to “fight Republican bullshit” - All you do is gang up on your fuckin’ allies over stupid shit like jokes, and that’s part of why we’re in the mess we’re in.
Like Schumer, you don’t have the intestinal fortitude to fight Republicans, so sit the fuck down and let ACTUAL men do it for you sweetheart.