25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.

  • 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • 82% of Canadians supported the changes to the firearms regulations. 66% currently want stronger gun control. I’m not, “gatekeeping” anything. I’m discussing the reasons for what’s going on. Labeling anyone who says anything you don’t like a, “gatekeeper” or a Fudd diminishes the value of anything you have to say.

    Why don’t you instead try to explain why you need the prohibited version of a firearm instead of the functionality identical non-restricted version?

    Or try to explain why you don’t want to use the exact same prohibited firearm if it’s coated hot pink?

    The gun lobby makes such a big deal about banning firearms based on their looks. Explain why looks are your criteria for selecting a firearm.

  • It’s highly unlikely that most people will ever encounter any scenario like that. That’s true. But that doesn’t make it a bad idea to be prepared.

    It is an EXTREMELY bad idea. The chances that you’re going to kill someone you love goes up dramatically when you have a gun in your home. You’re not making yourself and your family safer you’re making it FAR more likely that they will be a victim of gun violence.

    Do you grind up your hotdogs so that you won’t choke on them? Do you wear a life jacket in the bathtub? Have you stripped your bed of bedsheets? Do you wear a bee suit when you go outside? It’s highly unlikely that any of those things are going to happen to you, too.

    This is a riduclous argument. Literally worthy of ridicule.

  • If you think you need a gun for self-defense in Canada you shouldn’t have a gun. You’re more likely to choke to death on a hotdog, to drown in your own bathtub, to die from entanglement in your own bedsheets, from being stung by a bee, or by being trampled by a cow than you are to be killed with a gun by someone you don’t know if you’re not involved in the drug trade or organized crime. In fact, you’re FAR more likely to be killed by or to kill someone you love if you have a gun than you are to be killed by a stranger.

  • …assault…

    Did I say the word, “assault”?

    … do the same thing with a wooden stock…

    And yet they don’t. That’s because responsible, non delusional gun owners don’t load a bunch of guns and thousands of rounds of ammo into a trailer and take it to a “peaceful” protest.

    If you’re buying a gun for how it makes you feel then you shouldn’t be buying a gun. I’ve owned guns continuously for 40 years. My 15 year old son just completed his CFSC with an overall score of 98 out of 100. We are gun people. I’m not anti gun by any stretch of the imagination. I’m very much anti the wrong people owning guns and people who stockpile military style weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition are the wrong people.

  • Gun ownership in Canada is a privilege, not a right. That privilege can be modified at any time. Automatic firearms were made illegal. High capacity magazines were made illegal. The government responds to the will of the people and most Canadians support the banning of handguns and military style weapons.

    The guns aren’t being banned for the way they look but because of the type of people who buy them for the way that they look and the fantasies that they have about using them like the assholes who took a trailer load of military style weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition to a “peaceful” protest because the UN and/or China were going to invade Canada.

    If you want to have fantasies of rising up against the gubment or shooting Liberals just substitute an oak stocked hunting rifle into that fantasy.

  • It does make one wonder why, when the police lay out the range of firearms that a bunch of Gravy Seal terrorists bring to the beginning of their war against the government, it is never a table of Smith and Wesson oak stocked hunting rifles. It’s because they watch too many movies made in the US and play too many shoot-em-up video games and want to play soldier. THAT is the reason that this type of firearm is being banned. It’s not because of how they look but because of the type of people who want to own them and why they want to own them. I have absolutely zero concern that the government is ever going to come for my guns because I didn’t buy them to feed into my part of the collective murder fantasies of the anti-government nutjobs.

  • I have always found this to be a funny argument.

    “You have two guns that are of the same caliber, fire the same cartridge, have the same rate of fire, and the same killing power but one is non-restricted few one is prohibited. I should be able to own the prohibited one.”

    Why? You can get the exact same function from the non-restricted one. The only difference between the two is how they look.

    I, a 40 year legal gun owner, believe that it is because of how people think the restricted firearm makes them look and how they think it makes other people feel about them.

    How about this. This is an idea that I’ve proposed to people many times. You can keep those firearms but every part of the firearm, everything that goes into or onto the firearm, everything associated with the firearm has to be hot pink. Possessing a firearm or anything associated with a firearm that is supposed to be hot pink but isn’t means you instantly and permanently lose the privilege of owning forearms in Canada. Selling or repairing any firearm or anything associated with a firearm that is supposed to be hot pink means you instantly and permanently lose you license to sell or repair firearms in Canada. Allowing any firearm or anything associated with a firearm that is supposed to be hot pink but isn’t onto your range means that you instantly and permanently lose you licence to operate a range in Canada.

    The only difference between the firearm now and in my proposal is the colour.

    I don’t give the first fuck what color the gun is that I’m shooting at the range. I’m prefectly happy to shoot a hot pink or neon green or day glow orange gun.