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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Noisy clock or horny giant spider? YOU’LL NEVER BE SURE AGAIN.

    Males of Heteropoda venatoria, one of the huntsman spiders that seems to easily find its way around the world, have recently been found to deliberately make a substrate-borne sound when they detect a chemical (pheromone) left by a nearby female of their species. The males anchor themselves firmly to the surface onto which they have crawled and then use their legs to transmit vibrations from their bodies to the surface. Most of the sound emitted is produced by strong vibrations of the abdomen. The characteristic frequency of vibration and the pattern of bursts of sound identify them to females of their species, who will approach if they are interested in mating. This sound can often be heard as a rhythmic ticking, somewhat like a quartz clock, which fades in and out and can be heard by human ears in a relatively quiet environment.[10]

  • There is a part in Trevor Noah’s autobiography- born a crime- which is about growing up in apartheid South Africa, where his dad has a restaurant that is special because it has the permits to serve all races: Black, white, “coloured” and “Chinese” aka “none of the above.” It was very unusual, most places were only for one race.

    But the officials got tired of having an unsegregated restaurant so they decreed that even if a place had a permit serve all races together, the bathrooms still had to be segregated.

    Not having space in the restaurant for eight separate restrooms, he closed up shop.