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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2024


  • One of the best jobs I’ve ever had was a trolley collector. It was a company contracted to work for the chain stores, so I didn’t work for the stores I collected carts for.

    I’d show up, do about 45 minutes of exercise hauling the carts around, then I’d sit in my car and play on my phone or read a book. Or, hell, even just leave. I’d have 6 hour shifts but trust me when I say the trolleys don’t need 6 hours of supervision. I’d often get away with one collection in the morning, coming back for a collection in the afternoon, then peace out.

    Anyway, best of luck with your new job comrade, I hope the freedom makes the lack of decent pay worthwhile. It definitely did for me.

  • pan leftism pisses me off. defanged theory, feel-good nonsense that doesn’t equal a legible ideology. Also preys on the dumbed down simplistic single axis of political thought. I don’t know how they expect communists and anarchists to work together, or communists and soc-dems, or communists and anyone other than marxists. Then again, I’m guessing that’s the point - to legitimize every single flare of leftist thought other than the one with actual material history behind it