Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • People don’t hate these companies because they “don’t cater to them”. They love or loved the games, but these companies then turn around and try to screw their own fans out of every cent, nugget of personal data, and free time, that they have. There is no anger like the anger of a true fan.

    To get that pissed, you had to have cared quite a lot to begin with.

    The rest, are simply indifferent.

    That, is why people are upset enough to experience schadenfreude when their stocks and releases fail. Because that is an event that SHOULD be proving to these companies that if they keep pushing the bullshit, they soon won’t be catering to anyone anymore. Hence it’s something that gives fans hope that they will pull their shit together and get back to doing right by their own franchises and talent.

    And we are not all in the same boat. Some of us just want good games.

    Even when companies like Ubi make good games, they come with a shitload of strings like “but the monetisation is unethical” or “the devs were forced to crunch” or “the company leadership did nothing about a festering company culture of criminal mysogyny”.

    Simply by operating as ruthlessly as they do, these companies are slowly convincing the world they are “non-decent” institutions. Such institutions need massive restructuring, when the don’t deserve complete disassembly.

    And angering your fans is a process that only goes one way. Every fan you piss off enough to make them swear to never again give you a chance, is one you probably wont ever have as a customer again.

    Yeah, some will be malicious enough to cheer at the individuals getting screwed over when megacorps eat shit. But every sane person is cheering because there is now a large pool of talent looking to do something good with their skill, out from under the thumb of managers demanding every mechanic be optimized for monetization, rather than gameplay.

    This person isn’t wrong to be disgusted with people who cheer at jobs being lost, but he is also MASSIVELY out of touch with how his own company is operating, and how it is coming to be viewed by the world as a result.

  • Which only states that wireless charging will wear out your battery faster than wired. Not that it’s critically damaging the instant you opt to use it, or that it will shorten the lifespan of a device to nothing.

    There is a difference, that’s straight up true. One method has the battery sitting at a temperature that is worse for the chemistry involved. That is indisputable. Super fast fast charging that only slows down to keep an already hot battery from becoming dangerous, essentially redlining it for the whole process, has the exact same downsides in terms of thermals, except that wireless charging, being inherently slower for equivalent temperatures, keeps the battery warm for longer.

    What exactly the difference ends up being, varies from application to application, and from device to device. Obviously, if you lower the charge speed of wireless until it doesn’t heat the battery any more than wired, there wont be a difference, but then you could just do the same for wired charging, and have the battery last even more cycles.

    Bottom line, whatever option runs the battery the coolest on a given device, WILL CAUSE THE LEAST WEAR. That’s simply true.

  • The charging circuit will maintain a “safe” temperature, sure, but using any battery monitor app you like, you can clearly see for yourself that when wireless charging, the phone will sit at a higher temperature during the process, than when wired charging. And every fraction of a degree matters. Not when you use the feature once, but if you do it every day, always charging at a higher temperature, it WILL shorten the lifespan of the battery. The same way every charge does, but to a slightly higher degree for every fraction of a degree in higher temperature.

    The battery does not suffer as much damage from heat when discharging, or when just sitting there, not that that is good for it, either. But every extra bit of thermal strain WHILE charging, causes more damage than if it were running cooler. That’s simply a fact of lithium ion batteries.

  • The problem is heat, not charging speed. A wired charger heats the phone less than a wireless charger, and a slow charger heats it less than a fast one.

    It’s not like wireless charging will literally destroy your battery instantly, but it WILL do so faster than wired charging at the same speed.

    You could offset the heat by charging even slower via wireless (easy with something that has a small battery to begin with, like a watch) but no matter what method is used, the one that runs the battery the coolest WILL last the longest, whether the difference is just one year out five, more, or less.