MinekPo1 [She/Her]

nya !!! :3333 gay uwu

I’m in a bad place rn so if I’m getting into an argument please tell me to disconnect for a bit as I dont deal with shit like that well :3

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • actually they would be correct :

    USB began as a protocol where one side (USB-A) takes the leading role and the other (USB-B) the following role . this was mandated by hardware with differently shaped plugs and ports . this made sense for the time as USB was ment to connect computers to peripherals .

    however some devices don’t fit this binary that well : one might want to connect their phone to their computer to pull data off it , but they also might want to connect a keyboard to it , with the small form factor not allowing for both a USB-A and USB-B port. the solution was USB On-The-Go : USB Mini-A/B/AB and USB Micro-A/B/AB connectors have an additional pin which allows both modes of operations

    with USB-C , aside from adding more pins and making the connector rotationally symmetric , a very similar yet differently named feature was included , since USB-C - USB-C connections were planed for

    so yeah USB-A to USB-A connections are explicitly not allowed , for a similar reason as you only see CEE 7 (fine , or the objectively worse NEMA) plugs on both ends of a cable only in joke made cables . USB-C has additional hardware to support both sides using USB-C which USB-A , neither in the original or 3.0 revision , has .

  • sharing comment by @daigakunobaku273

    Lterally citing Sergey Sumlenniy as “Eastern Europe expert”

    LOL That’s basically all you need to know about the level of “expertise” that went into creating this video.

    Since, for some reason, my comment is not yet deleted by the moderators, and somebody appears to have actually read it, I might as well point to the actual factual mistakes and problems with the video.

    1. These books are not, to the best of my knowledge (and I tried hard to find any evidence supporting the author’s claim) created, or approved, or distributed, or sponsored by any Russian state agency. They belong to a subgenre of male fantasy fulfillment books which target a specific audience of poorly educated lower middle to lower class males, typically 40+ years old, nostalgic of the Soviet Union (or, rather, of their rose-tinted pseudo-memory thereof).

    There are thousands of other “military fiction” books targeting pretty much the same audience, but not having anything to do with “popadantsi”, including tons of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fanfics (yes, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fanfics sell as actual books in Russia, and in a typical book store you’ll find an entire section dedicated to them and to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. epigones, right next to the section dedicated to “popadantsi” literature, that is, if there even is such section. Most of the “popadantsi” books are actually self-published in electronic format, they are not nearly as popular as the author of the video portrays them to be. The other “military fiction” stuff sells much better).

    You don’t need “government sponsorship hypothesis” in order to explain the existence of these books. They have their fanbase. That is not to say that the state propaganda has nothing to do with their popularity. The propaganda just exploits the same ressentiment and the same need to compensate for misfortune in one’s life by creating a fantasy world. People who enjoy these books are exactly the same people who sincerely believe the stuff translated by the Russian state TV. That does not mean the books are sponsored by the government.

    1. Outside of this relatively small, but substantial and loyal fanbase, the entirety of the Russian society laughs at these books, even the chauvinists and the Putin supporters. These books are a long-running meme in the Russian internet; the author didn’t even find or show the truly deranged and legendary stuff, like “The Popadanets Bee” (the actual title of an actual book; it tells the story of a Russian soldier, “heroically dying on Donbass in 2014”, whose mind is being transferred by the Higher Beings into the body of a bee living in the Emperor’s Garden of WWII Japan. The same book features Soviet pagan communist soldiers worshiping Svarog).

    As was said before, most of these books don’t exist outside the Internet; the pool of their authors is relatively small and consists mostly of graphomaniacs, “publsihing” dozens of books each. The author, however, portrays them as a massive influence on the beliefs of Russians (They are not. The state media are. These books are a minor symptom.)

    1. Sergey Sumlenniy, whom the author unironically presents as an “Eastern Europe expert” (this phrase alone is a meme in the Russian opposition Twitter) is a Russian journalist and political “expert”, previously working for the Russian pro-Kremlin (and Kremlin-backed) magazine “Эксперт”. Later he worked as an expert that helped the Western companies working in Russia to evade the sanctions imposed on Russia after 2014 (I don’t want to go to jail for reminding you what happened this year).

    At the time he gave interviews about his job to Russian federal media. This whole time, from 2014 to 2022, he mostly lived in Berlin off the money he earned by working for a pro-Kremlin magazine and by helping Western companies circumventing sanctions imposed on Russia. He never publically said as much as a word in protest to the Russian policies.

    In February 2022 Sumlenniy has suddenly discovered that he is, in fact, a German, and that every single Russian, even the opposition leaders (especially the opposition leaders!) is guilty of Russia invading Ukraine (oh, sorry, I meant, protecting the people of Donbass and fighting nazism). Russians are “much more guilty than Germans in WWII” (direct quote), because any Russian who does not support the war could simply emigrate. The fact that they didn’t simply indicates, per Sumlenniy, that all Russians are brainwashed orcs, and opposition leaders are even worse than Putin, because Navalny is a neo-nazi and had slurred Ukraininans and Georgians, and everyone else is even uglier. But he, Sumlenniy, he is not responsible for the war. He is a German now, remember? (“We, germans” has also become a meme in the Russian emigrant Twitter.)

  • I really feel like that’s not what anarchist believe , unlike her , she’s saying Lords and shit is like good , she just wants like small kingdoms and calls that anarchism

    literary what her post American civil war 2.0 map looks like :

    Map of US and for some reason both Canada and Mexico split into many irregularly shaped territories

    Like I will admit my reading of her writing is quite shallow but I cannot find anything except the incels start a revolution -> ??? -> return to the good old middle ages (admittedly I am slightly exaggerating , there is some historical analysis but I have no idea what ??? would be) . yes she watches whatifalthist how did you know .

    also just so you know the quality of her writing , one if the paragraphs in that essay is straight up a single extremely long sentence with amazingly insane parts :

    right wing insanity , bad writing

    Biden will be dead by the time the federal government collapses; the value of the US federal government for various forms of plunder are going to run out as federal entitlements programs and debt servicing consume more, then all, then more than all federal spending in rapid succession over the next few years; and most interestingly, the Trumpian coalition to “drain the swamp” and crush this system of federal plunder has gone from farce to threatening…as factions like banking private equity (who need the dollar and US financial system intact), “the Paypal Mafia” of prominent tech investors and billionaires who are intimately tied into the Military industrial complex (famously Elon Musk and Peter Thiel), a significant factions of Senior military leaders horrified at the state of US readiness, and the far right Netanyahu “revisionist zionist” faction of Israeli politics (who have had most Israeli interests turn on them just waiting to remove “Bibi” from power); they are all latching onto Trump to rescue their interests and the US system which they need to survive to maintain those interests, from what, on the other side of the arena, is a “globalist” (read: Democrat/EU/China aligned) desire to collapse the US dollar and thus rescue all their financial schemes through a manufactured crisis in which they can print infinite fake paper, institute a central bank digital currency, and get out of the fact they can neither sustain the US, EU, nor Chinese economies, nor Demographics whilst maintaining their bloated bureaucracies, by implementing a “Green”/Maoist massive reduction in living standards, and increasingly naked social credit totalitarianism…

    funny thing is she literally came up with degrowth there but somehow with capitalism