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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • So I had no context for how big that is and why it’s newsworthy

    To put the sheer size of the 8 GW solar farm in perspective, the three largest solar farms in the world by capacity are China’s Ningxia Tenggeli and Golmud Wutumeiren solar farms, with a capacity of 3 MW each, and a 3.5-GW solar farm outside Urumqi, Xinjiang’s capital.

    Tho still didn’t understand the scale until I looked up a stat on nuclear

    Nuclear energy has been powering the U.S. grid for the past 6 decades and produces around 1 gigawatt of power per plant on average.

    Then again, I thought, maybe nuclear power might be less productive than I think it is, so looked up a list of biggest power plants in the world


    • Number 1 is Three Gorges Damn at 22 GW
    • there is an 7.96 GW nuclear power plant in Japan
    • but 8 GW would be the 10th biggest power plant in the world

    Then I learnt that that nuclear power plant has been out of action since like 2017. It’ll soon(?) be active again but for now the record for biggest nuclear is held by a 7.4 MW power plant in South Korea

    In conclusion, my ADHD medications have worn off and I should go to bed

  • The conclusions that OP made about that study is quite interesting to me personally cause I experience both sides of it. There are certain content warnings that I take note of and decide if I have the mental energy to consume the content healthily. Sometimes I’m completely fine, sometimes the warning has me on edge till it happens, and sometimes I decide to nope out for now.

    Tho with a young teen in my house, it’s helpful to know if an episode of something is going to go into places that will mess with them or if it’s completely age in appropriate. If something has an 18+ rating for an episode but only has profanity and gore as the advisory, I’m fine with my 15 year old watching it. If it’s got nudity, sexual violence, eating disorder etc, then it’s going to be a pass (or at least screened or having a follow up convo).

    Considering they share in a lot of the content I’m consuming, and the majority of my time is spent watching internet content rather than produced media. It’s one thing for Netflix to have an age rating and content warnings but I really appreciate warnings on YouTube video since it’s really hard to predict what’s going to come up.

    I wonder if there would be significant differences if a wider range of content was included. For example: Books, websites, games, streams, YouTube, movies, series, music, podcasts.

    Based on nothing but wild speculation, I think music would be at the bottom of effectiveness and books at the top.