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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I remember my first time finding the ceiling path in the Pyramids in SML1. I just decided to try to see if I could jump up to the ceiling tiles, skip passed the enemies.

    It blew my little mind when it worked. I could do that. Where else could I do that‽ The entire game just changed! I lost hours trying to make the stupidest jumps, just to see if I had found another one.

  • Even better as a prank gift, it’s so notoriously hard to kill and quick spreading, they won’t notice until it’s too late. Hell, they’ll probably think they’re doing a great job, since it’ll be thriving so long as they pay it the bare minimum of attention.

    I think some places do actually have some light restrictions in place, purely because it’s so invasive it’ll fight back against kudzu. It’s just about a rung below kudzu on the difficulty to completely kill.

  • Don’t forget it’s nice relieving properties. Stuffed nose and a sore throat? Mint green tea with a bit of honey. It’ll help ease the discomfort for a time.

    Just be careful planting your own. Mint does not care. It will escape the pot, and next thing you know, there’s Chocolate Mint plants choking out the rest of the garden.

    Chocolate Mint is also a wonderful variety to include if you’re looking into an herb garden. You can get some different mint varieties going, make a nice blend for things!

  • As someone who spent a good part of their teens to early adulthood in a coal town, this really hit me. The towns absolutely tiny, and dying. You had 3 jobs there. Retail, mechanic, or the mines. Kids were told all their lives that underground was their future.

    Now, people genuinely don’t know what to do. This has been their entire lives, their livelihood, and there’s very few in the area doing anything at all to help. Sure, you have the ones who saw the writing on the wall and found something, got out of that town, but for so many, there isn’t anything else. What resources they have are a couple hours away, which is too far for people barely able to make ends meet, and they can’t afford to lose hours at whatever they’ve found in the now to get re-educated into a better field.

    There are so many small towns, nestled far away from the interstates and highways across the US, that are absolutely forgotten, slowly rotting away out of sight, with nothing left. Even those who will gladly say the change needed to happen, that we needed to stop, are bitter, because they look at how it happened and feel absolutely fucking abandoned by the people who told them things would get better.