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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • LISTER: What makes you think these aliens exist?

    RIMMER: They must do, Lister! There’s so many things that are strange and odd. So many things we don’t have any explanation for.

    LISTER: Like, um, why do intelligent people buy cinema hot dogs? Do you mean that sort of weird and mysterious thing?

    RIMMER: No, Lister, I mean like the pyramids. How did they move such massive pieces of stone without the aid of modern technology?

    LISTER: They had massive whips, Rimmer. Massive, massive whips.

  • The point (which I guess I needed to point out) is that this isn’t a work of fiction, anymore. Government has been granted unprecedented power to conduct surveillance on innocent people with no warrants or accountability. Companies carry out data harvesting and location tracking in nearly every consumer product connected to the Internet. Microsoft has literally incorporated spyware into Windows 11 (CoPilot / Recall). We are living in a real life surveillance state right NOW and our government and corporations are clearly fine with it. And that’s where the “how-to” guide comes into it. That’s the BAD THING. I really didn’t think I needed to spell it out, but damn.

  • Biden isn’t a “neo-liberal shill” he’s a boring, middle of the road corporatist.

    Republicans and Democrats have been moving steadily to the right for the last 40 years. So now, the Democrats are where the Republicans used to be in the 1980s: friends of banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. And the Republicans have moved all the way into an insane asylum.