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  • 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Yep. I’ve come to realize that most Americans are indeed morons. They’ll believe anything is true if it confirms their biases. So, it only makes sense that presidential candidates would speak to the lowest common denominator. Such people have minds trained by their life experiences almost exclusively and eschew learning as being wishy-washy or unscrupulous or “just book learnin’”. They’ve no framework except what benefits them. And they’ll enable the greatest evils if they think it’ll net them an extra dollar.

  • Who doesn’t want peace? Not many.

    One of the most difficult things for me to learn was that some people really prefer violence over more peaceful alternatives. I still haven’t quite wrapped my head around it, but I accept it.

    I’ve engaged with the articles core argument about the legitimatization of violence, but the only answer is more violence for some of you people.

    Fight fire with fire and watch the whole world burn. Just like it is because of the oppressor’s violence.

  • I’m not a big fan of the legitimizing violence, personally.

    I think the identification of the problem as liberalism’s impossible position between the oppressor and oppressed is spot on. But, rather than giving into endless violence, I’m prefer extending the precepts of liberalism without exception.

    Liberals always make exceptions. For them, only the worthy poor deserve help, worthiness being arbitrarily determined by some pseudo-philanthropist laundering their savage public image through charity, for example. In the public sphere, we’ve been convinced that means-testing is an efficient way to distribute goods and resources, never mind the arbitrary power administrators have over those they administrate. Always exceptions.

    So, just…get rid of exceptions.