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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • So much love from my boi, myself, and my partner! This emergency couldn’t have gone more smoothly. Also people like you are why i love this…site? Blahaj seems like a collection of some of the best people, too. Thank you for caring for this internet stranger and their cat, and thank you so much again again for offering to help. <3

  • Yeah! The tip never touches the vinegar, and you can move it around a bunch because the sloshing vinegar never touches the cone tip. The flies can’t get back out from the cone tip, they don’t understand how it works. I used to have a dirty roommate and have used this trap tons of times when he’d leave empty beer bottles and stuff around.

    I’ve also heard of soap! I’ve never tried it though, because this fruit fuck paradise trap works amazingly and is fascinating.

    There’s an example here, but i have perfected it by using slightly thicker paper, trimming the cone 2cm above the jar’s lid for aesthetics, putting fruit slices in there, and making the cone’s tip much smaller (maybe 5mm to 1cm wide at the tip.)

    It never fails. It’s amazing. And once they’re in full fuckfest mode and larvae start to spawn, it’s fascinating.

    Edit: you absolutely want apple cider vinegar. Red wine vinegar or actual wine might also work, but apple cider is what I have had AMAZING success with.

  • Update in case you care: He’s back, he’s SO PEPPY AND HAPPY AND HE LOVES LOVE! He’s peeing a bunch and he seems perfect. He just has to be in his own room for over a week, his brother is super needy right now. They even refunded us a bit, so with all of the support we received it was about 1kUSD out of pocket… a FAR CRY from the 3-4k we were expecting.

    Much love again for offering us help but this went from terrible nightmare to manageable situation and all we care about is that he’s back, being himself, and super happy.

  • Yeah! Put 2-3cm of apple cider vinegar into a jar, and slice up bananas (i put strawberries in there too so they don’t have to eat the same thing every day.) then roll a cone out of hard paper or thin cardboard. Tape it to the top of the jar, so the cone’s tip goes about 1-2cm from the vinegar (the bananas and whatnot should be slightly protruding from the vinegar.) The wide end of the cone should be wider than the mouth of the jar, sealed up with tape around the jar’s mouth.

    Fruit flies CANNOT resist it. Within a day there will be no more flies in your house, and the jar you’ve made will be a fruit fly fuckfest paradise. The vinegar attracts them and makes the fruit not rot, so the trap you put in the basement and forgot about for months won’t get all stinky.

    Edit: oh yeah the original question! Yeah if you use frozen bananas, the fruit flies hate them hahaha

  • Blocked urinary tract D:

    He went from totally normal to hiding from us and refusing to eat all day. We brought him into the vet and she IMMEDIATELY looked horrified and said “I need to make a call”, then rushed us off to an emergency hospital who informed us that if we had waited another day, he had a super high risk of dying… I guess this is a thing that can happen with boi kitties.

    So they had to put him under heavy sedation, put a catheter in, and keep him for a day to flush his bladder. There’s still crystals as of the morning but he’s showing great progress!

    Alas, what we thought was going to be a 500-700USD vet bill is now a LITTLE BIT MORE… the deposit to leave him there was 2.7k, and it could be up to another thousand, which is the reason we tried a fundraiser.

  • I made the fundme for friends and workmates and I appreciate your offer sooooooo dang much but I have privacy autism stuff and I don’t know how to PM things on Lemmy… I left Reddit after Apollo died and PMs were easy there but yeah. You’re a wonderful person for offering and both my partner and I are so thankful for your offer. Much love :3