Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023

  • Not a fan of someone who uses the r-slur and makes a show of not being “woke,” but I agree that that list is utterly ludicrous. Flagging something like it’s practically unplayable because you can if you search for them find a couple of same-sex characters in the ass end of nowhere holding hands is kinda mind-blowing.

    They even complained about someone claiming to be asexual. Seriously?? Someone not wanting sex is the big horrible Woke Agenda™ being shoved down poor, innocent Gamers™’ throats? Look here, it’s incels doing reverse wokism “making” a game engine because Real Men™ never use a premade one! Don’t think about why they would want to associate with a general-purpose game engine despite also claiming that every dev must make their own! Thinking is WOKE! You’ll turn gay if you think!

    🤬 Baffling absurdity, I say!

  • How is using a game engine “woke?” I feel like I’m missing something about either gamedev history or yet another new meaning of “woke” 🤔

    Edit: NEVERMIND I missed a bit in the wall of text 😅 Sorries. I’ll just, uh… hide over here now 😶‍🌫️

    Edit edit: Actually, no, fuck that. “Can’t make their own engines” is incredibly asinine. It takes huge amounts of effort to make a half-decent engine and even established studios are (CDPR??) or should be (Bethesda!) switching to engines built by organizations ostensibly dedicated to making engines and making them well. These bellends have created a kind of counter-productive elitism that was ridiculous decades ago, all to excuse their bigotry.

  • Hmmm, sortof same-ish as last week. Rib still a little rough, doc said it was probably costochondritis from having COVID and will go away. Is taking its time but slowly going away :-\

    I think Essentia (local major health system) pumps drugs into their air or something: I always get all excited and encouragey-happy at their offices. Doc convinced me to sign up for stuff and add another anxiolytic. I went in today to peep at one of the thera-things and eep! 8:00-15:00 groupapy four days a week! I declined for now but the critter there was very helpy and I’ma get a new therapist sometime 😅 Looking forward to a comfy one who can provide some hope and help nodnoddle The current one has offered to refer me for a helpycritter who I think will help me sort out all’ the stuff I need to get set up to start becoming stable. Could be good! tentative wigglish-wobble!

    Dunno if it’s the meds or what but I keep having these weird perspective-shift things that make me feel all tiny and vulnerable >.<; Am mouse but not scaredy squishy mouse! Am cute wiggly mouse! I think maybe what’s happening is something’s dragging me out of my usual detached kind of state and making me feel stuff that’s reasonably there anyway? Or it’s just upsetting my wiggly skittery skittish lil mind, I guess. Idunno. :-\

    Also, this fluffy cat likes me too much now and spends all night in my room MEOWING LOUDLY and messing with things on my desk and occasionally loafing on top of me. She’s cute (and soft) but I wish she’d let me sleep :(

  • I don’t really have a clear idea of “who I am” but I’m clearly some kinda weird goofy wiggly thingy at my core 😅 wiggles to illustrate

    Also my thing is like yours, I clear up (or think I do) pretty quick once I’ve started. It’s just terrifying to start anything that isn’t very familiar :-\ I don’t quite even know the rules for that familiarity threshold. Bleh! 'Course, judging by my amazingly high blood pressure when I started getting that treated… could be I just get past a threshold and go from “super anxy” to “so anxy I can’t even feel it any more” 🤷 Is weird. Am weird. extra shrug to illustrate very-shrugness

  • I’ve been playing a lot of Space Empires IV 😅 Am gonna keep trying stuff. May have another pass at my Itch library. I’m just kinda missing Elder Scrolls specifically, I guess, and though I could play Daggerfall and/or Morrowind, they just make me miss ESO 😅 Maybe I’ll try anyway. scritches at imaginary itch 😟

    I don’t even know if the ancient attic wiring up here could handle a gaming rig 😅

    Also, making calls and going places isn’t just “difficult” for me. I get actually physically ill. Even (somewhat) medicated I can be stuck in the restroom anxing for an hour before going on a two-minute ride down the road to pick up snacks from the local shop. I will put off a simple call, incurring debts or penalties or whatever, for months or years just because I can’t get myself to press the button to call. A lot of people say “Oh, it’s like that for everyone” but it is not. “Everyone hates phones,” people tell me, but few dread them.

    …Unless it’s like that for everyone and this world’s even more asinine that I’d realized. Surely there’s no way everyone’s just accepted being terrified constantly. Maybe they have and I’m the only rational person on Earth, baffled that the people around me think panic is normal and I’m weird for not accepting that 🤔 😮‍💨

    wobbles away mumbling

  • … Okay, sorry if this is off-tone but I really wanna see more adults shining their inner cuteness and carrying around plushies >:3 Among whatever other “inappropriate” things they wanna show. I saw someone outside who had a tail and damn near jumped out the window to go squee at them 😅 Super cool.

    Maybe I’ll start carrying a plushie around 🤔 At least in my purse or something. … Oh wait, I’m trans. I might get shot for that 🤔 Probably worth it. 🐭👍

  • What a weird comment. What do IT departments do if everything “just works?” Also, this isn’t a company. This is one random person saying Linux is bad for home users and always will be because they had one bad experience. Bug reports and actual requests for help are productive. “It didn’t work for me so it’s crap” is not. If some people having bad experiences doomed an OS then Windows would’ve died by now.

    I’m literally asking people to prefer using us for tech support over dropping our nth rant this week about how Linux is crap because it upset them.

    Also, we get every “it doesn’t work!!!” rant but few “Oh wow, it works just fine!” posts. Who wants to work on improving the “everyman” experience when they won’t be paid for it and the appreciation they get will be an email or two of thanks and people still insisting that Linux will always be crap because of every single thing they didn’t fix?

    [Kinda rant] Knowing that those people are giving special treatment to some other OS… or rather, I suppose they’re giving special treatment to Linux. It’s the “hard” one, the “rough” one. If your wifi doesn’t work in Linux it’s because Linux is crap. If it doesn’t work in Windows it’s because of literally anything but Windows. Could be solar flares or Canadian government mind control waves or something. Not precious Microsoft Windows, though. Everything works on that! (Except when it doesn’t, then I get called because I’m the local “computer whiz” or, for one summer, a computer repair tech critter… with that little experience in the role I still saw drivers flaking out and taking down Windows systems)

    Anyway, what do we get from “Linux will never be mainstream because my wifi doesn’t work” or any other “Shut up about your stupid crappy OS” type thing that we don’t get from a more cooperative approach? A bug report, or a request for help, or just “here are my experiences?” I suppose what I’m getting at is…

    tl;dr: Bashing is useless and annoying, nothing is permanently crap because one person had a bad experience. …Especially when another person had a bad experience with any available alternative. Sharing is sharing but “It sucks!” n times per week is discouraging and counterproductive.

  • Thankies! Calling and going are hugely difficult for me so finding and setting up with a new one is gonna be rough. … If I can even bring myself to do it :-\ Bleeegh!

    Can’t play ESO because I’ve only got my laptop and it just cannot run the game playably. Had to leave my (rather old but still vaguely capable) gaming box when I fled a few months ago. wobble Something that makes it even worse is knowing I could easily lose interest instantly upon loading the game back up 😅 Something I’ve put a lot of time into tends to fail to hold interest no matter how much I feel like I’ll love getting back into it, once I’ve left it. … I lose interest pretty quickly, unfortunately. Have to have new ways of doing things or I have no interest in doing them even if they’re new things. Finishing games is hard for me because there’s usually no growing or (mechanical) learning left to do at the end :-\