I’m a weird critter and play things differently from most, I think 😅 My greatest fun tends to be alting hard, trying nearly every imaginable build. Beat up the same jerkwad thirty times just to try out all’ the toys, that kind of thing :3 I did get annoyed at having to wait for the map to open up but I replay beginnings so many times anyway… 🤷 I wanna go back to CP77 pretty badly, too 😅 Am stuck on a laptop that I can’t imagine running it playably but even just driving around was fun for me. Helped me through a rough patch a night or two, actually.
Also liked how well-done the story bits felt, though maybe that’s partly because I was told they’re really good and just expected them to be 🤷 I do remember some bits fondly, though.
And cat ears, and nyaaa~ing, and… uhhh whatever else 😅 🤷