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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • That’s the thing, it doesn’t have to happen. It has to catch enough headlines that Shell can say:

    “As part of our environmental commitments we plan to sell only carbon neutral methane by 2040”

    Then they proceed to do nothing in the “hopes” that this becomes cost effective in time, while continuing to invest in natural gas infrastructure, and while we continue to investing in using their “soon to be neutral” fuel.

    Finally, when 2035 or so rolls around they quietly shift the goal posts and we keep on letting them pollute.

    And if you’re wondering why this sounds familiar…


    All getting hyped about CCS or “renewable” “drop-in replacements” for fossil fuels does is further entrench fossil fuel companies as the “center” of our carbon commitments, while they are 100% disincentivized to act.

    Unless this tech is paired with a $1000/tonne carbon tax, its a scapegoat.

  • Investments, trust funds, paying off debt and my mortgage. Set up enough in investments that I’ll always have a million or so in post-tax interest income.

    Conservatively, well call this 5% locked up

    Trust funds and investments for my family so they have money coming in.

    Not sure how big your family is, or how much you want to have them coming in, but well call this +5%

    10% spent

    Remodel my house. +0.1%

    Rent a condo in Wrigleyville during the Cubs season. Rent a condo in Mesa during spring training. +0.01%

    Open a bar or two. +0.1%

    Hire a dietician/personal cook. +0.01%

    Buy a handful of cars, the most extravagant would probably be a Catterham. +0.01%

    Open an automotive shop to restore cars. I know that’ll be a loss but it will be a good hobby for something I like to do. +0.1%

    Travel a bunch. Follow the Cubs for a season and go to every game. +0.01%

    Buy dual citizenship somewhere. +0.01%

    Donate to AOCs campaign. +0.1%

    Club 33 membership. +0.01%

    Occasionally take private jets when I fly, but pick up families that are flying coach when I go and bring them along for free. It’s no fun being alone. +0.01%

    Do a bunch of the traditional billionaire things like go fishing on a private yacht. +0.1%

    Finally not stress about going out to dinner. +0.001%

    Now were to a whopping 10.571% “spent” with most of it invested in ways that will pay back entirely in your lifetime. What do you do with the other 4.5B?

  • If it was directly analogous, people would have been denying that sickness happened at all, just like how there are far too many people who don’t believe that climate change is happening.

    I don’t know that this is necessarily true - I can’t speak to everyone, and there’s always crazies who take things to the extremes, but most deniers I’m aware of don’t deny that the climate is changing, they deny that it’s caused by humans, and they doubt the forecasts.

    I think we’re, to a certain degree, past the days of bringing a snowball onto the Senate floor to disprove climate change, and into the “humans aren’t doing this, the planet just goes through phases” denial, which is to a certain degree similar to people denying germ theory insisting instead it’s just demons / God’s will.

    People are finally seeing and experiencing the record setting heat waves, polar vorteces, unprecedentedly early Cat 5 hurricanes, and rising sea levels, they just refuse to accept fault, or agree that it’s worth sacrificing “the Economy” to try and stop it from getting worse.

  • Just want to add, not only is it a ridiculous number because of sales, there’s also free games that wreck the numbers.

    Glancing at my unplayed library, sure there’s a bunch of leftovers from Humble Bundles I got ages ago for what amounted to a fraction of retail, but there’s also things like BioShock 1&2 Remastered - games that were given out FOR FREE to owners of the original. I’ve PLAYED the originals, but I assume the powers that be would tell you I have $60 worth of unplayed games sitting there since I haven’t opened the remasters.