• 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 25th, 2022


  • And lets not forget the show trials against Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and others. Milosevic was murdered by the EU nazis in prison, they didnt allow him medical treatment for his heart problems and he died of a heart attack. And the worst, even the fake tribunal had to admit he was innocent. That scum murdered an innocent man just for opposing US imperialism and neoliberalism.

  • Still, ethnic supremacy isnt the same as ethnonationalism. The Russian Empire oppressed ethnic minorities, but wasnt ethnonationalist, it didnt claim that ethnic minorities were a different nation from the russian one and thus had to be expelled, like zionists and nazis do. Nevertheless, this is pure cope, because there was no “russification” in the USSR. And the Baltic States, the ones who whine about it the most, are literally the ones with less evidence to claim otherwise. Like literally, the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian SSRs were for its entire existence (1940-1990) ruled by ethnic lithuanians, latvians and estonians. The “stalinist genocide” they supposedly suffered under Stalin? It was implemented by local communists who werent ethnic russians. No russian ever ruled them, unlike other republics like Moldova or Kazakhstan. So they have 0 arguments there.

  • She lives in Poland, however she often stays here in Spain (where i live) for months because her son, who is a successful investigative scientist, lives and works here (which is how i know her). I dont think she was involved directly with Solidarnosc, although it is possible that she supported it. For more context, she was from a former small-middle bourgeois family. An uncle of hers owned several companies in Australia and in fact illegally left PRL in the 1950s to continue his bourgeois life in Australia. She claims they were watched closely by the police for their family history. She also claims she wanted to study medicine at university but wasnt allowed again for her family history. She worked as a worker in a butter factory, which she says was very mismanaged, with most people spending half of their workday doing nothing. Also idk if geography correlates with politics in Poland, but in case it does shes from a small village near Poznan.

    I dont think this was a friend of a friend though. She detailed her friend telling her he had been handcuffed and restrained in uncomfortable positions for many hours. Also sleep deprivation, threats and repetitive interrogations at random hours of the night. Although again im not sure how reliable any of this information is since another time she told me that “in PRL, if you made an anticommunist joke you would be disappeared to Siberia” xD.

    How old are you? Did you live through PRL? Id love to hear a first hand account of PRL from a communist!

  • Well a very sweet old lady i know was born in the 1950s. She says only “communist party bootlickers” (whatever that means) could study at university. If you were not in the party university was closed doors for you, she claims. She also claims that a friend of hers was arrested and tortured by the police for weeks for “being against the communists” (again, i dont know what that means). She also said there was no food and you had to buy everything on the black market. If you thought it yes, shes a liberal and quite anticommunist. I think this is because after PRL collapsed her standards of living went up significantly (from low income to middle income) thanks to her son being a successful scientist working in the west.

    And yes, its 100% true that communism doesnt exist at all in modern day Poland. When my mom went to Poland with these friends a few years ago (my mom knows im a communist, shes left wing too) she thought “hey, ill buy my son some communist T shirt or something. Here its the former east bloc so they must sell them”. She found absolutely nothing, and when she asked for “communist merchandising/memorabilia” in the shops they looked at her like she was crazy or something. Definetely true what you said.