• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldWWHRD?
    12 hours ago

    Hypothetically, someone that assumes a black person to be dishonest based on no evidence is a racist.

    To make this less hypothetical, are you assuming the black dude is dishonest or not? Just want to know who’s a hypothetical racist and who’s an actual racists here.

  • The “Jews control the media” is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that’s probably at least a century old at this point.

    When faced with facts that contradict Jews controlling everything, you try to rationalize that it’s somehow the part of a Jew plot to to downplay how much influence they have.

    When you’re this dedicated to antisemitic conspiracy theories don’t act so hurt what someone calls out your antisemitism. Either accept your world view might need some adjustment or accept that you’re just gonna be an antisemite for the rest of your miserable life. If you’re gonna be a racist asshole at least be honest about it.

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldWWHRD?
    12 hours ago

    You’re making up stories that imply that a black person is dishonest. You can make up whatever story you want, but I can make assumption about you the same way you’re making assumptions about the person that posted the photo.

    So I’m going to assume you’re racist against black people.

    Just making up whatever story I feel like!

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldWWHRD?
    12 hours ago

    I’m looking at the text associated with the image and see two possible scenarios.

    The one that you describe where the co-workers are being nice and the black guy is being an asshole for complaining about it.

    Or the other scenario where the black dude’s co-workers are making assumptions about the dude based on stereotypes. In which case the black dude is rightfully bothered by this and the co-workers are making ignorant assumptions based on race.

    And I see you making further ignorant assumptions and assuming the scenario that the black dude is being an asshole is the correct one without really considering the image and the text we’re discussing at face value could actually be accurate. You’re preferring a made up scenario which implies the black dude is being dishonest, rather than the scenario as presented.

    We can’t know which scenario is true. But we do know which assumptions you prefer, and your assumptions says something about you. You preference is for scenarios which assume black people are dishonest.

    Try to be a better person.

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldWWHRD?
    15 hours ago

    Most likely it isn’t that scenario, because if it were it wouldn’t bother the dude.

    You’re inventing a scenario in which a black man is creating problems by acting upset over a thoughtful gesture. You’re making assumptions based on nothing that white people were being kind and considerate while the black person as just being an asshole about it.

    That’s not cool bro.

  • Diversity Equity Inclusion. Some businesses have some people to try to make sure their hiring practices aren’t discriminatory, and that’s referred to as DEI.

    But racists are against all of those things so to them DEI is a bad thing. And as these things go, DEI has become a codeword they use to express anger at anyone non-white having a job or represented in any kind of media. Like most dog whistles they pretend that they’re cleverly avoiding being overtly racist but it doesn’t fool anyone.

  • You imagine that everyone that disagrees with you loves Netanyahu and supports genocide.

    Meanwhile in reality I think Netanyahu is an asshole and an incompetent leader. And I don’t support genocide, but what’s happening in Gaza is a war (started by the genocide Hamas committed) not a genocide.

    So is it reasonable for me to assume that you love Sinwar’s genocide? I guess since the rules of your game is just to strawman anyone that challenges your world view that’s what I’m supposed to do.